Zygomatic arch and maxillary Lateral surface of ramus Trigeminal V nerve
process of zygomatic bone. of mandible. (mandibular division).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Bone of temporal fossa. Coronoid process of Deep temporal nerves from
Temporal fascia. mandible. Anterior the trigeminal V nerve
border of ramus of (mandibular division).
Lateral Pterygoid
Origin Insertion Nerve
Superior head: Roof of Superior head: Capsule Trigeminal V nerve
infratemporal fossa. and articular disc of (mandibular division).
Inferior head: Lateral surface joint.
of lateral pterygoid plate of
pterygoid process. Inferior head: Neck of
Medial Pterygoid
Origin Insertion Nerve
Deep head: Medial surface of Medial surface of ramus Trigeminal V nerve
lateral pterygoid plate of and angle of mandible. (mandibular division).
pterygoid process.
Superficial head: Pyramidal
process of palatine bone.
Tuberosity of maxilla.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Mylohyoid line on inner Hyoid bone. Mylohyoid nerve from
surface of mandible. inferior alveolar nerve, a
branch of trigeminal V nerve
(mandibular division).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Inferior mental spines of Hyoid bone. C1.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior belly: digastric fossa Body of hyoid bone via a Anterior belly: mylohyoid
on lower border of mandible. fascial sling over an nerve, from trigeminal V
intermediate tendon. nerve (mandibular division).
Posterior belly: mastoid notch
of temporal bone. Posterior belly: facial VII
nerve (digastric branch).
Superior oblique: transverse Superior oblique: anterior Ventral rami of cervical
processes of third to fifth arch of atlas. nerves C2–6.
cervical vertebrae (C3–5).
Inferior oblique: transverse
Inferior oblique: anterior processes of fifth and sixth
surface of first two or three cervical vertebrae (C5–6).
thoracic vertebral bodies.
Vertical: anterior surface of upper three thoracic and lower three cervical vertebral bodies.
Vertical: surface of bodies of
second to fourth cervical
vertebrae (C2–4).
Longus Capitis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Transverse processes of third Inferior surface of basilar part Ventral rami of cervical
to sixth cervical vertebrae of occipital bone. nerves C1–3.
Rectus Capitis Anterior
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior surface of lateral Basilar part of occipital bone, Loop between ventral
mass of atlas. anterior to occipital condyle. rami of cervical nerves
C1, 2.
Rectus Capitis Lateralis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Transverse process of atlas. Jugular process of occipital Loop between ventral
bone. rami of cervical nerves
C1, 2.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Cervicis: transverse processes Cervicis: transverse processes Dorsal rami of spinal
of upper four or five thoracic of second to sixth cervical nerves C1–S1.
vertebrae (T1–5). vertebrae (C2–6).
Capitis: transverse processes Capitis: posterior part of
of upper five thoracic mastoid process of temporal
vertebrae (T1–5). Articular bone.
processes of lower three
cervical vertebrae (C5–7).
Splenius Capitis and Splenius Cervicis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Capitis: lower part of Capitis: posterior aspect of Capitis: posterior rami of
ligamentum nuchae. Spinous mastoid process of temporal middle cervical nerves.
processes of seventh cervical bone. Lateral part of superior
vertebra (C7) and upper three nuchal line, deep to Cervicis: posterior rami
or four thoracic vertebrae (T1– attachment of of lower cervical nerves.
4). sternocleidomastoid.
Cervicis: spinous processes of Cervicis: posterior tubercles of
third to sixth thoracic transverse processes of upper
vertebrae (T3–6). two or three cervical vertebrae
Origin Insertion Nerve
Cervicis: transverse processes Cervicis: spinous processes of Dorsal rami of thoracic
of upper five or six thoracic second to fifth cervical and cervical spinal
vertebrae (T1–6). vertebrae (C2–5). nerves.
Capitis: transverse processes Capitis: between superior and
of lower four cervical and inferior nuchal lines of
upper six or seven thoracic occipital bone.
vertebrae (C4–T7).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior: transverse processes Anterior: scalene tubercle on Anterior: ventral rami of
of third to sixth cervical inner border of first rib. cervical nerves C4–7.
vertebrae (C3–6).
Middle: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of lower six cervical vertebrae (C2–7).
Posterior: posterior tubercles of transverse processes of fourth to sixth cervical vertebrae (C4–6).
Middle: upper surface of first Middle: ventral rami of
rib, behind groove for cervical nerves C3–7.
subclavian artery.
Posterior: ventral rami of
Posterior: outer surface of cervical nerves C5–7.
second rib.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Sternal head: anterior surface Sternal head: lateral third of Accessory XI nerve, with
of manubrium of sternum. superior nuchal line of sensory supply for
occipital bone. proprioception from
Clavicular head: upper cervical nerves C2 and
surface of medial third of Clavicular head: outer surface C3.
clavicle. of mastoid process of
temporal bone.
Rectus Capitis Posterior Major
Origin Insertion Nerve
Spinous process of axis. Lateral portion of occipital Suboccipital nerve
bone below inferior nuchal (dorsal ramus of first
line. cervical nerve C1).
Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior tubercle of atlas. Medial portion of occipital Suboccipital nerve
bone below inferior nuchal (dorsal ramus of first
line. cervical nerve C1).
Obliquus Capitis Inferior
Origin Insertion Nerve
Spinous process of axis. Transverse process of atlas. Suboccipital nerve
(dorsal ramus of first
cervical nerve C1).
Obliquus Capitis Superior
Origin Insertion Nerve
Transverse process of atlas. Area between inferior and Suboccipital nerve
superior nuchal lines on (dorsal ramus of first
occipital bone. cervical nerve C1).
Movements of the Neck
Atlanto-Occipital and Atlanto-Axial Joints
Flexion Extension Rotation and Lateral
Longus capitis, Semispinalis capitis, splenius capitis, Sternocleidomastoid,
rectus capitis rectus capitis posterior major, rectus obliquus capitis inferior,
anterior, capitis posterior minor, obliquus capitis obliquus capitis superior,
sternocleidomastoid superior, longissimus capitis, trapezius, rectus capitis lateralis,
(anterior fibers) sternocleidomastoid (posterior fibers) longissimus capitis,
splenius capitis
Medial third of superior Posterior border of lateral Motor supply: accessory
nuchal line of occipital bone. third of clavicle. Medial XI nerve.
External occipital border of acromion. Upper
protuberance. Ligamentum border of crest of spine of Sensory supply
nuchae. Spinous processes scapula, and tubercle on this (proprioception): ventral
and supraspinous ligaments crest. ramus of cervical nerves
of seventh cervical vertebra C2, 3, 4.
(C7) and all thoracic vertebrae
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lumborum: lateral and medial Lumborum: angles of lower Dorsal rami of cervical,
sacral crests. Medial part of six or seven ribs. thoracic and lumbar
iliac crests. spinal nerves.
Thoracis: angles of upper six
Thoracis: angles of lower six ribs and transverse process of
ribs, medial to iliocostalis seventh cervical vertebra (C7).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Sacrum, origin of erector Base of spinous processes of Dorsal rami of spinal
spinae, PSIS, mammillary all vertebrae from L5 to C2. nerves.
processes of lumbar vertebrae,
transverse processes of
thoracic vertebrae, articular
processes of C3–C7.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Transverse process of each Base of spinous process of Dorsal rami of spinal
vertebra. adjoining vertebra above. nerves.
External Oblique
Origin Insertion Nerve
Muscular slips from the outer Lateral lip of iliac crest; Ventral rami of thoracic
surfaces of the lower eight ribs aponeurosis ending in linea nerves T7–12.
(ribs V to XII). alba.
Internal Oblique
Origin Insertion Nerve
Iliac crest. Lateral two-thirds Inferior borders of bottom three or Ventral rami of
of inguinal ligament. four ribs. Linea alba via an thoracic nerves T7–
Thoracolumbar fascia. abdominal aponeurosis. Pubic 12, and L1.
crest and pectineal line.
Transversus Abdominis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior two-thirds of iliac crest. Aponeurosis ending in linea Ventral rami of
Lateral third of inguinal ligament. alba; pubic crest and pectineal thoracic nerves T7–
Thoracolumbar fascia. Costal line. 12, and L1.
cartilages of lower six ribs (ribs VII
to XII).
Rectus Abdominis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Pubic crest, pubic Anterior surface of xiphoid process. Fifth, Ventral rami of
tubercle, and pubic sixth, and seventh costal cartilages. thoracic nerves T7–
symphysis. 12.
Quadratus Lumborum
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior part of iliac Medial part of lower border of twelfth rib. Ventral rami of
crest. Iliolumbar Transverse processes of upper four lumbar T12 and L1–4.
ligament. vertebrae (L1–4).
Movements of the Intervertebral Joints (Thoracic Region)
Posterior tubercles of Medial (vertebral) border of Dorsal scapular nerve C4,
transverse processes of first scapula, between superior 5, and cervical nerves C3,
three or four cervical angle and spine of scapula. 4.
vertebrae (C1–4).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Minor: spinous processes of Minor: medial border of Dorsal scapular nerve C4,
seventh cervical and first scapula at the level of spine of 5.
thoracic vertebrae. Lower part scapula.
of ligamentum nuchae.
Major: medial border of
Major: spinous processes of scapula, between spine of
second to fifth thoracic scapula and inferior angle.
vertebrae (T2–5).
Serratus Anterior
Origin Insertion Nerve
Outer surfaces and superior Anterior (costal) surface of Long thoracic nerve C5–
borders of upper eight or nine medial border of scapula and 7.
ribs, and fascia covering their inferior angle of scapula.
intercostal spaces.
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin Insertion Nerve
Thoracolumbar fascia, which is Floor of intertubercular Thoracodorsal nerve C6,
attached to spinous processes of sulcus (bicipital groove) 7, 8, from the posterior
lower six thoracic vertebrae and all of humerus. cord of brachial plexus.
lumbar and sacral vertebrae (T7–
S5) and to intervening
supraspinous ligaments. Posterior
part of iliac crest. Lower three or
four ribs. Inferior angle of scapula.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Supraspinous fossa of scapula. Upper aspect of greater Suprascapular nerve C5
tubercle of humerus. Capsule and 6, from upper trunk
of shoulder joint. of brachial plexus.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Infraspinous fossa of scapula. Middle facet on greater Suprascapular nerve C5
tubercle of humerus. Capsule and 6, from upper trunk
of shoulder joint. of brachial plexus.
Teres Minor
Origin Insertion Nerve
Upper two-thirds of lateral Lower facet on greater Axillary nerve C5, 6,
border of dorsal surface of tubercle of humerus. Capsule from posterior cord of
scapula. of shoulder joint. brachial plexus.
Pectoralis Minor
Origin Insertion Nerve
Outer surfaces of third, fourth, Coracoid process of Medial pectoral nerve, with
and fifth ribs, and fascia of the scapula. fibers from a communicating
corresponding intercostal branch of lateral pectoral
spaces. nerve, C5–8, T1.
Pectoralis Major
Origin Insertion Nerve
Clavicular head: medial half or two- Lateral lip of Medial and lateral pectoral
thirds of front of clavicle. intertubercular nerves.
sulcus (bicipital
Sternocostal portion: anterior surface of groove) of Clavicular head: C5, 6.
sternum. Upper seven costal cartilages. humerus.
Aponeurosis of external oblique. Sternocostal head: C6–8, T1.
Sternal end of sixth rib.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior fibers: anterior border Deltoid tuberosity of Axillary nerve C5, 6, from the
and superior surface of lateral humerus. posterior cord of brachial
third of clavicle. plexus.
Middle fibers: lateral border of
acromion process.
Posterior fibers: lower lip of crest
of spine of scapula.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Subscapular fossa and groove Lesser tubercle of Upper and lower subscapular
along lateral border of humerus. Capsule of nerves C5, 6, 7, from posterior
anterior surface of scapula. shoulder joint. cord of brachial plexus.
Teres Major
Origin Insertion Nerve
Oval area on lower third of Medial lip of Lower subscapular nerve C5,
posterior surface of lateral intertubercular sulcus 6, 7, from posterior cord of
border of scapula. (bicipital groove) of brachial plexus.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Tip of coracoid process of Medial aspect of Musculocutaneous nerve C5–
scapula. humerus at mid-shaft. 7.
Movements of the Shoulder Girdle
Movements of the Shoulder Joint
Flexion Extension Abduction Adduction Lateral Me
Rotation Rota
Anterior Posterior Middle Pectoralis Posterior Pectora
deltoid, deltoid, deltoid, major, teres deltoid, major,
pectoralis major teres major supraspinatus, major, infraspinatus, major,
(clavicular (of flexed biceps brachii latissimus dorsi, teres minor latissim
portion; humerus), (long head) triceps brachii dorsi,
sternocostal latissimus (long head), anterio
portion flexes dorsi (of coracobrachialis deltoid
the extended flexed subsca
humerus as far humerus),
as the position pectoralis
of rest), biceps major
brachii, (sternocostal
coracobrachialis portion of
brachii (long
head to
position of
Muscles of the Elbow and Radioulnar Joint
Biceps Brachii
Origin Insertion Nerve
Short head: tip of coracoid Tuberosity of radius. Musculocutaneous nerve
process of scapula. C5, 6.
Long head: supraglenoid
tubercle of scapula.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lower (distal) two-thirds of Tuberosity of ulna. Musculocutaneous nerve
anterior aspect of humerus. C5, 6.
Pronator Teres
Origin Insertion Nerve
Humeral head: lower third of Mid-lateral surface of radius Median nerve C6, 7.
medial supracondylar ridge (pronator tuberosity).
and common flexor origin on
anterior aspect of medial
epicondyle of humerus.
Ulnar head: medial border of
coronoid process of ulna.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Upper two-thirds of anterior Lower lateral end of radius, Radial nerve C5, 6.
aspect of lateral just above styloid process.
supracondylar ridge of
Triceps Brachii
Origin Insertion Nerve
Long head: infraglenoid Posterior part of olecranon Radial nerve C6–8.
tubercle of scapula. process of ulna.
Lateral head: upper half of
posterior surface of shaft of
humerus (above and lateral to
radial groove).
Medial head: lower half of
posterior surface of shaft of
humerus (below and medial
to radial groove).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior part of lateral Lateral surface of olecranon Radial nerve C6–8.
epicondyle of humerus. process and upper portion of
posterior surface of ulna.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lateral epicondyle of Dorsal and lateral surfaces of Posterior interosseous
humerus. Radial collateral and upper third of radius. nerve, a continuation of
anular ligaments. Supinator the deep branch of radial
crest of ulna. nerve C6, 7.
Humeral head: common flexor origin Pisiform bone. Hook of Ulnar nerve C7, 8,
on medial epicondyle of humerus. hamate. Base of fifth T1.
Ulnar head: medial border of olecranon.
Posterior border of upper two-thirds of
Palmaris Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Common flexor origin on Palmar aponeurosis of hand. Median nerve C7, 8.
anterior aspect of medial
epicondyle of humerus.
Flexor Carpi Radialis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Common flexor origin on Front of bases of second and Median nerve C6, 7.
anterior aspect of medial third metacarpal bones.
epicondyle of humerus.
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Humeroulnar head: long linear origin Four tendons each divide Median nerve C8,
from common flexor tendon on medial into two slips, each of T1.
epicondyle of humerus. Medial border which insert into the
of coronoid process of ulna. sides of the middle
phalanges of the four
Radial head: upper two-thirds of fingers.
anterior border of radius.
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Upper two-thirds of medial and Anterior surface Medial half of muscle, destined for
anterior surfaces of ulna, reaching of base of distal the little and ring fingers: ulnar
up onto medial side of olecranon phalanges. nerve C8, T1.
process. Interosseous membrane.
Lateral half of muscle, destined for
the index and middle fingers:
anterior interosseous branch of
median nerve C8, T1.
Flexor Pollicis Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Middle part of anterior surface of shaft Palmar surface of Anterior interosseous
of radius. Interosseous membrane. base of distal branch of median nerve
phalanx of thumb. C7, 8.
Pronator Quadratus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Distal quarter of anterior Lateral side of distal quarter Anterior interosseous branch
surface of shaft of ulna. of anterior surface of shaft of of median nerve C7, 8.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lower (distal) third of lateral Dorsal surface of base of Radial nerve C6, 7.
supracondylar ridge of second metacarpal bone, on
humerus. its radial side.
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Common extensor tendon Dorsal surface of second and Radial nerve C7, 8.
from lateral epicondyle of third metacarpals.
Extensor Digitorum
Origin Insertion Nerve
Common extensor tendon Dorsal surfaces of all the Deep radial (posterior
from lateral epicondyle of phalanges of the four fingers. interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
Extensor Digiti Minimi
Origin Insertion Nerve
Common extensor tendon Extensor hood of little finger. Deep radial (posterior
from lateral epicondyle of interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Origin Insertion Nerve
Common extensor tendon Medial side of base of fifth Deep radial (posterior
from lateral epicondyle of metacarpal. interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
humerus. Aponeurosis from
mid-posterior border of ulna.
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior surface of shaft of Lateral side of base of first Deep radial (posterior
ulna, distal to origin of metacarpal. interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
supinator. Interosseous
membrane. Posterior surface
of middle third of shaft of
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior surface of radius, Base of dorsal surface of Deep radial (posterior
distal to origin of abductor proximal phalanx of thumb. interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
pollicis longus. Adjacent part
of interosseous membrane.
Extensor Pollicis Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Middle third of posterior Dorsal surface of base of distal Deep radial (posterior
surface of ulna. Interosseous phalanx of thumb. interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
Extensor Indicis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior surface of ulna. Extensor hood of index finger. Deep radial (posterior
Adjacent part of interosseous interosseous) nerve C7, 8.
Movements of the Interphalangeal Joint of the Thumb
Flexion Extension
Flexor pollicis longus Extensor pollicis longus
Muscles of the Hand
Palmaris Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Palmar aponeurosis. Flexor Skin on ulnar border of hand. Ulnar nerve C8, T1.
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Tubercle of trapezium and Proximal phalanx of thumb. Median nerve (C8, T1).
flexor retinaculum.
Dorsal Interossei
Origin Insertion Nerve
By two heads, each from adjacent Into extensor hood and to base of Ulnar nerve C8,
sides of metacarpals. Therefore, proximal phalanx as follows: T1.
each of the dorsal interossei
occupies an interspace between First: lateral side of index finger,
adjacent metacarpals. mainly to base of proximal
Second: lateral side of middle
Third: medial side of middle
finger, mainly into extensor
Fourth: medial side of ring finger.
Palmar Interossei
Origin Insertion Nerve
First: medial side of base of first Primarily into extensor hood of Ulnar nerve C8,
metacarpal. respective digit, with possible T1.
attachment to base of proximal
Second: medial side of shaft of phalanx as follows:
second metacarpal.
First: medial side of proximal
Third: lateral side of shaft of fourth phalanx of thumb.
Second: medial side of proximal
Fourth: lateral side of shaft of fifth phalanx of index finger.
Third: lateral side of proximal
phalanx of ring finger.
Fourth: lateral side of proximal
phalanx of little finger.
Adductor Pollicis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Oblique fibers: anterior surfaces of second Medial side of base of Deep ulnar
and third metacarpals and capitate. proximal phalanx of nerve C8, T1.
Transverse fibers: palmar surface of third
metacarpal bone.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Tendons of flexor Extensor hoods of Lateral lumbricals (first and second):
digitorum index, ring, middle, median nerve.
profundus in palm. and little fingers.
Medial lumbricals (third and fourth): ulnar
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Origin Insertion Nerve
Pisiform bone. Tendon of flexor Proximal phalanx of little Ulnar nerve C8, T1.
carpi ulnaris. finger.
Opponens Digiti Minimi
Origin Insertion Nerve
Hook of hamate. Anterior surface Medial border of fifth Ulnar nerve C8, T1.
of flexor retinaculum. metacarpal.
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Hook of hamate. Anterior surface Proximal phalanx of little Ulnar nerve C8, T1.
of flexor retinaculum. finger.
Abductor Pollicis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Flexor retinaculum. Tubercle of Proximal phalanx and Median nerve (C8,
trapezium. Tubercle of scaphoid. extensor hood of thumb. T1).
Opponens Pollicis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Flexor retinaculum. Tubercle of Entire length of radial border Median nerve (C8,
trapezium. of first metacarpal. T1)
Movements of the Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb
Outer surface of ilium, behind Deep fibers of distal Inferior gluteal nerve L5, S1, 2.
posterior gluteal line and portion: gluteal
portion of bone superior and tuberosity of femur.
posterior to it. Adjacent
posterior surface of sacrum Remaining fibers:
and coccyx. Sacrotuberous iliotibial tract of fascia
ligament. Aponeurosis of lata.
erector spinae.
Tensor Fasciae Latae
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior part of outer lip of Joins iliotibial tract just below Superior gluteal nerve
iliac crest, and outer surface of level of greater trochanter. L4, 5, S1.
anterior superior iliac spine.
Gluteus Medius
Origin Insertion Nerve
Outer surface of ilium Oblique ridge on lateral Superior gluteal nerve
between anterior and surface of greater trochanter L4, 5, S1.
posterior gluteal lines. of femur.
Gluteus Minimus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Outer surface of ilium Anterior border of greater Superior gluteal nerve
between anterior and inferior trochanter. L4, 5, S1.
gluteal lines.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior surface of sacrum Superior border of greater Branches from sacral
between anterior sacral trochanter of femur. nerves S1, 2.
Deep Lateral Hip Rotators
Origin Insertion Nerve
Obturator internus: inner surface of Greater trochanter Obturator internus and
ischium, pubis, and ilium. (top) of femur gemellus superior: nerve
(except quadratus to obturator internus, L5,
Gemellus superior: ischial spine (lower femoris which S1, 2.
posterior area of pelvis). inserts just behind
and below the Gemellus inferior and
Gemellus inferior: just below origin of others). quadratus femoris: nerve
gemellus superior. to quadratus femoris, L4,
5, S1, (2).
Quadratus femoris: lateral edge of
ischial tuberosity (sitting bone).
Origin Insertion Nerve
Pectineal line and adjacent Oblique line, from lesser Femoral nerve L2, 3.
bone of pelvis. trochanter to linea aspera of
Obturator Externus
Origin Insertion Nerve
External surface of obturator Trochanteric fossa of femur. Posterior division of
membrane and adjacent bone. obturator nerve L3, 4.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior part of the pubic Entire length of femur, along Magnus: obturator nerve
bone (ramus). Adductor linea aspera and medial L2, 3, 4.
magnus also takes its origin supracondylar line to
from the ischial tuberosity. adductor tubercle on medial Brevis: obturator nerve
Lateral surface of bodies of Lesser trochanter of femur. Ventral rami of lumbar
T12 and L1 to L5 vertebrae, nerves L1–3 (psoas minor
transverse processes of the innervated from L1, 2).
lumbar vertebrae, and the
intervertebral discs between
T12 and L1 to L5 vertebrae.
Ischial tuberosity (sitting Semimembranosus: groove and adjacent Sciatic nerve L5,
bone). Biceps femoris also bone on medial and posterior surface of S1, 2.
originates from the back medial tibial condyle.
of the femur.
Semitendinosus: upper medial surface of
shaft of tibia.
Biceps femoris: head of fibula.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Line on the external surfaces of the body of Upper part of medial Obturator nerve L2,
the pubis. Inferior ramus of pubis. Ramus of surface of shaft of 3.
the ischium. tibia.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Anterior superior iliac spine and Upper part of medial surface of Femoral nerve
the area immediately below it. tibia, near anterior border. L2, 3.
Lateral condyle of tibia. Upper half Medial and plantar surface of Deep fibular
of lateral surface of tibia. medial cuneiform bone. Base of nerve L4, 5.
Interosseous membrane. first metatarsal.
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lateral condyle of tibia. Upper Along dorsal surface of the four lateral Deep fibular
two-thirds of medial surface toes. Each tendon divides, to attach to nerve L5, S1.
of fibula. bases of middle and distal phalanges.
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Middle half of medial surface of fibula and Base of distal Deep fibular nerve
adjacent interosseous membrane. phalanx of great toe. L5, S1.
Fibularis Tertius
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lower third of medial surface of Dorsal surface of base of fifth Deep fibular
fibula. metatarsal. nerve L5, S1.
Fibularis Longus and Fibularis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Fibularis longus: upper two-thirds of Fibularis longus: lateral side of Superficial fibular
lateral surface of fibula. Lateral medial cuneiform. Base of first nerve L5, S1, 2.
condyle of tibia. metatarsal.
Fibularis brevis: lower two-thirds of Fibularis brevis: lateral side of
lateral surface of fibula. base of fifth metatarsal.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Medial head: popliteal surface Posterior surface of calcaneus Tibial nerve S1, 2.
of femur above medial (via calcaneus—a fusion of the
condyle. tendons of gastrocnemius and
Lateral head: lateral condyle
and posterior surface of
Origin Insertion Nerve
Posterior surfaces of head of Posterior surface of calcaneus Tibial nerve L5, S1, 2.
fibula and upper third of body (via calcaneus—a fusion of the
of fibula. Soleal line and tendons of gastrocnemius and
middle third of medial border soleus).
of tibia. Tendinous arch
between tibia and fibula.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lower part of lateral Posterior surface of calcaneus (via Tibial nerve S1,
supracondylar ridge of femur and calcaneus—a fusion of the tendons 2.
adjacent part of its popliteal of gastrocnemius and soleus).
surface. Oblique popliteal ligament
of knee joint.
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Medial part of posterior surface of Bases of distal phalanges of second Tibial nerve S2,
tibia, below soleal line. through fifth toes. 3.
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lower two-thirds of posterior surface of Base of distal phalanx of Tibial nerve S1,
fibula. Adjacent interosseous membrane. great toe. 2.
Tibialis Posterior
Origin Insertion Nerve
Lateral part of posterior Tuberosity of navicular. By fibrous Tibial nerve L4, 5.
surface of tibia. Upper two-thirds of posterior surface of fibula. Most of interosseous membrane.
expansions to sustentaculum tali, three cuneiforms, cuboid, and bases of second, third, and fourth metatarsals.
Tuberosity of calcaneus. Medial side of base of Medial plantar nerve L4,
Flexor retinaculum. Plantar proximal phalanx of great toe. 5, S1.
Flexor Digitorum Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Tuberosity of calcaneus. Middle phalanges of second Medial plantar nerve L4,
Plantar aponeurosis. Adjacent to fifth toes. 5, S1.
intermuscular septa.
Abductor Digiti Minimi
Origin Insertion Nerve
Tuberosity of calcaneus. Band Lateral side of base of Lateral plantar nerve S1,
of connective tissue proximal phalanx of fifth toe. 2, 3.
connecting calcaneus with
base of fifth metatarsal.
Quadratus Plantae
Origin Insertion Nerve
Medial head: medial surface Lateral border of tendon of Lateral plantar nerve S1,
of calcaneus. flexor digitorum longus. 2, 3.
Lateral head: lateral border of
inferior surface of calcaneus.
Origin Insertion Nerve
Tendons of flexor Medial side of base of Lateral three lumbricals:
digitorum longus. proximal phalanges of second lateral plantar nerve S2, 3.
to fifth toes and
corresponding extensor First lumbrical: medial plantar
hoods. nerve S2, 3.
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Medial part of plantar surface of Medial part: medial side of base of Medial plantar
cuboid bone. Adjacent part of proximal phalanx of great toe. nerve S1, 2.
lateral cuneiform bone. Tendon of
tibialis posterior. Lateral part: lateral side of base of
proximal phalanx of great toe.
Adductor Hallucis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Oblique head: bases of second to fourth Lateral side of base of Lateral plantar
metatarsals; sheath of fibularis longus proximal phalanx of great toe. nerve S2, 3.
Transverse head: plantar
metatarsophalangeal ligaments of third
to fifth toes; transverse metatarsal
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Sheath of fibularis longus tendon. Lateral side of base of proximal Lateral plantar
Base of fifth metatarsal. phalanx of little toe. nerve S2, 3.
Dorsal Interossei
Origin Insertion Nerve
Adjacent sides of metatarsal Extensor hoods and bases of proximal Lateral plantar
bones. phalanges of second to fourth toes. nerve S2, 3.
Plantar Interossei
Origin Insertion Nerve
Bases and medial sides of Extensor hoods and bases of proximal Lateral plantar
third to fifth metatarsals. phalanges of same toes. nerve S2, 3.
Extensor Digitorum Brevis and Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Origin Insertion Nerve
Superolateral Extensor digitorum brevis: lateral sides of tendons of Deep fibular
surface of extensor digitorum longus to second to fourth toes. nerve S1, 2.
Extensor hallucis brevis: base of proximal phalanx of
great toe.
Movements of the Intertarsal Joints
Inversion Eversion Other Movements
Tibialis anterior, Fibularis tertius, Sliding movements, which allow some dorsiflexion,
tibialis posterior fibularis longus, plantar flexion, abduction, and adduction, are
fibularis brevis produced by the muscles acting on the toes. Tibialis
anterior, tibialis posterior, and fibularis tertius are
also involved.
Movements of the Metatarsophalangeal Joints of the Toes