

作者:大江 | 时间:2014-9-27 07:37:30 | 阅读:537| 显示全部楼层

       <p>韦波 刘远文 黄平 刘惕生 冯国生 陈刚 蒋玉洁 张重魁 董素菁

【摘 要】 目的 评价鸦胆子油“夹馅法”栓塞治疗与瘤内注射免疫因子联合 治疗中晚期原发性肝癌和晚期癌的临床疗效。方法 将43例中晚期不能切除的 肝癌病人及64例晚期肺癌病人分为两组。A组55例,在给予瘤内局部注射免疫因子治疗同时 ,分别交替进行经肝动脉鸦胆子油-碘油-抗癌剂“夹馅法”栓塞化疗(TAE)或经支气管动脉 灌 注化疗(BAI)。B组52例单纯给予TAE和BAI治疗。结果 两组完全缓解率,生存率 均有显著差异。结论 动脉灌注化疗联合免疫因子瘤内注射治疗,使Ⅱ期手术成 为可能。
【关键词】 肝癌 肺癌 介入栓塞

Interventional treatment of moderate and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma and a dvanced lung cancers with intraarterial infusion chemotherapy and intratumoral injections of immunocytokines.

Wei Bo,Liu Yuanwen,Huang Ping,et al.
(The Hospi tal of Liuzhou City,Liuzhou 545001)

【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of brucea javanica-lipiodol "sandwich" embolizations combined with intratumoral i mmunocyt okines injections in treatment of moderate and advanced primary hepaticellular c arcinoma(HCC) and advanced lung cancers.Methods 43 cases with moder ate and advanced stages of unresectable HCC and 64 cases with advanced lung canc ers were divided into two groups,55 patients(A group) were alternately treated b y transcatheter arterial chemoembolization(TAE) with "sandwich" method of brucea javanica-lipiodol-anticancer agents or chemotherapy by selective bronchial arte ry infus

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