

作者:大江 | 时间:2014-9-28 08:58:25 | 阅读:573| 显示全部楼层

       刘迎龙 张宏家 孙寒松 李守军 沈向东 闫军 于存涛

  【摘要】 目的 介绍经右外侧小切口剖胸体外循环下小儿心脏直视手术的经验。 方法 1994年10月至1997年4月,共完成经右外侧第4或第3肋间进胸,体外循环下先天性心脏畸形矫治术319例。患儿年龄3.44±1.59岁(5个月~8岁),体重13.66±3.98(6~26) kg。修补房间隔缺损87例(合并左上腔静脉1例,动脉瓣狭窄6例,部分肺静脉畸形引流5例),室间隔缺损200例(合并动脉导管未闭7例,二尖瓣关闭不全7例,左上腔静脉3例,右室流出道狭窄11例),法乐氏四联症19例(合并左上腔静脉3例,单冠状动脉畸形1例),部分心内膜垫缺损2例及其他畸形11例。体外循环时间平均56.07±24.90(20~176)分,心肌循环阻断32.97±20.38(6~140)分。术后机械通气平均18.75±24.57(2~140.72)小时, 平均住院7.08±0.69(7~17)天。 结果 全组患儿无手术死亡。 结论 这种切口可安全有效地替代正中剖胸矫治某些小儿常见的心脏畸形,它具有损伤小,瘢痕隐蔽,不破坏胸廓连续性,防止术后鸡胸等优点,其美观效果优于胸部正中或双乳腺下皮肤切口。
  【关键词】 心脏外科手术  心脏缺损,先天性

Correction of cardiac defects through a right minithoracotomy in children Liu Yinglong, Zhang Hongjia,Sun Hansong, et al.Department of Cardiac Surgery, Cardiovascular Institute and Fuwai Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100037.
  【Abstract】 Objective To review the experience of correction of congenital cardiac defects through a right minithoracotomy. Method 319 patients underwent correction of congenital heart malformations through right lateral thoracotomy under cardiopulmonary bypass. The average age was 3.44±1.59 years (range, 5 months-8 years). The average body weight was 13.66~3.98 kg (range, 6~26 kg). Cardiac defects repaired included atrial septal defect in 87 patinets (1 patient associated with left superior vena cava (LSVC), 6 pulmonary stenosis, 5 partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection), ventricular septal defect in 200 (7 patients with coexisting patent ductus arteriosus, 7 mitral insufficiency, 3 LSVC, 11 right ventricular outflow tract obstruction ), Fallot′s Tetralogy in 19 (3 patients associated with LSVC, 1 single coronary malformation), partial endocardial cushion defect in 2 and other defects in 11. The mean cardiopulmonary bypass time was 56.07±24.90 min(range, 20-176 min) and the mean aortic crossclamping time was 32.97±20.38 min(range, 6-140min). The average mechanical ventilation time after operation was 18.75±24.57 hr (range, 2-140.72hr), and the mean postoperative hospital stay was 7.08±0.69 days(range, 7-17 days). Result No operative mortality and severe postoperative complications were noted. Conclusion The right lateral thoracotomy is a safe and effective alternative to a median sternotomy for correction of cardiac defects. Advantages of this approach include less injury, maintaining the continuity and the integrity of the bony thorax, and preventing postoperative pigeon breast.The cosmetic result is superior to that of median sternotomy or bilateral submammary incision.
  【Key words】 Heart surgery  Heart defects,congenital

   随着心脏外科手术安全性不断提高, 术后美观问题日益受到人们重视[1,2]。外科医生为此试用多种手术径路替代正中剖胸,力求在矫治心脏畸形的同时达到更好的美观效果。例如双乳腺下切口及右前外侧开胸等。我们分析各种手术径路的优缺点后, 采用右外侧剖胸径路行小儿体外循环(CPB)心脏直视手术, 取得良好的手术效果。现将手术适应证、方法及结果报告如下。


  1994年10月至1997年4月,经右外侧切口入胸, 体外循环下行先天性心脏畸形矫治术319例(男172例, 女147例)。年龄平均3.44±1.59岁(5个月~8岁),除1例为8岁外, 其余均小于6岁,其中136例小于3岁; 体重13.66±3.98 kg(6.00~26.00 kg), 58例小于10.00 kg。术前均经体检、心脏X线摄片、心电图超声心动图等检查明确诊断。全组患儿心胸比率平均为0.57±0.05 (0.45~0.73)。心内畸形包括房间隔缺损(ASD)87例、室间隔缺损( VSD ) 200例、ASD并发VSD8例、法乐四联症(TOF) 19例、部分心内膜垫缺损(PECD)2例、二尖瓣关闭不全(MI)1例、左房粘液瘤(LAM) 1例及右室双腔心(DCRV)1例等。心脏合并畸形详见附表。

附表 右外侧剖胸矫治心脏畸形的类型(例)

病种 例数 合 并 畸 形
ASD 87
0 0 0
1 0 5 6 0
VSD 200 39 7 1 11 3 7 0 0 0
TOF 19 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1
PECD 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A+V 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
其它 3* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
合计 319 42 8 1 11 7 7 5 6 1

  患儿采用气管插管复合麻醉,右侧肢体抬高60~80度, 右臂上悬并固定于头架。取右侧腋后线与第3肋间的交点及腋前线与第6肋间的交点间做6~8 cm长的弧形切口,在胸肌深面潜行游离至第4肋或第3肋间进胸,一般不会损伤乳内动脉。沿膈神经前2 cm纵行切开心包,上至主动脉与心包反折,下至下腔静脉与心包反折。升主动脉及上、下腔静脉插管, 建立体外循环。并行循环降温,阻断循环, 经主动脉根部灌注冷改良托马液及心表置冰屑行心肌保护。

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