

作者:大江 | 时间:2014-10-1 14:56:34 | 阅读:578| 显示全部楼层

       #e#                                          作者:胡爱民,关小宏,商玉兰,张世杰,张中东
【关键词】  创伤和损伤
     Emergency treatment of 314 cases of severe trauma

  【Abstract】 AIM:   To retrospectively analyze cases of severe trauma in order to provide some constructive suggestions for trauma emergency treatment in urban areas. METHODS:  The retrospective analysis was conducted in 314 severe trauma cases who were admitted to the Emergency Surgical Department from August 2000 to July 2005. RESULTS:  There were 236 male and 78 female patients with a mean age of 33.8 years old (range 877 years). The mean trauma score (TS) was 13.4±3.5, the mean Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) was 12.4±3.6 and the mean Injury Severity Score (ISS) was 20.1±11.7. There were 152 cases (48.4%) with multiple injuries and 253 cases with shock. The survival rate was 94% and the rescue success rate was 89%. Definite emergency surgery was carried out in 261 cases. The causes of trauma were traffic accident (163, 52%), fight with weapons and injuries at work sites (93, 30%) and falling  (58, 18%). The mean hospitalization duration in the emergency department was (54±28) min for the survival cases and (121±48) min for the dead cases, with a very significant difference between the 2 groups (P<0.01). CONCLUSION:  Traffic accident, fight with weapons and injuries at work sites and falling are the major causes of  severe trauma in urban areas. Shortening the duration of staying in the emergency department and early definite emergency surgery can effectively improve the success rate.
  【Keywords】 cities; wounds and injuries; first aid
  【摘要】 目的: 对严重创伤病例进行回顾性分析,并对城市中常见的创伤急救提出建设性意见.  方法: 对200008/200507急诊危重病例中筛选出急需抢救的严重创伤314例进行分析. 结果:  男性236,女性78例,年龄33.8(8~77)岁;创伤评分(TS)13.4±3.5;格拉斯哥昏迷评分(GCS)12.4±3.6;创伤严重程度评分(ISS)20.1±11.7;多发伤152例(48.4%). 病因: 交通伤163例(52%);斗殴、工伤93例(30%);坠落伤58例(18%). 休克253例,脱险率94%,抢救成功率89%. 实施确定性抢救手术261例. 急诊滞留时间: 抢救脱险组(54±28) min,死亡组(121±48) min,两组有统计学差异(P<0.01). 结论:  交通伤、斗殴、工伤、坠落伤是城市严重创伤的主要原因,缩短急诊滞留时间,早期实施确定性治疗,可以有效地提高抢救成功率.
  【关键词】 城市;创伤和损伤;急救
  创伤是危及人民生命安全的主要疾病谱,而严重创伤则是人们日常生活中最主要的杀手之一. 如何提高严重创伤特别是多发伤患者的救治成功率已成为医院急诊外科研究的一个迫切课题. 我们回顾性分析急诊救治的严重创伤病例资料,并进行临床讨论:
  200008/200507我院急诊部接诊123569例中,危重抢救4759例,其中严重创伤314例,占同期危重抢救人数的7%. 在314例中,男性236例(75%),女性78例(25%),年龄8~77岁,17岁以下39例(12.4%),18~30岁176例(56%),31~45岁59例(19%),46~59岁27例(8.6%),60岁以上13例(4%).

  伤员送达后立即测血压、脉搏和心电监护,迅速建立两条外周静脉(套管针)通路,常规进行生化检查及配血、导尿并行常规化验;休克者先快速补液,根据伤情和化验结果继以代血浆、输血补充血容量;伴呼吸功能不全、误吸或误吸风险者行气管插管并给予氧气疗法;必要时行动脉血气检查,根据动脉血气决定是否行机械通气,凡SaO2<90%均予机械通气;外出血或骨折立即进行简单包扎固定,并做针对性强的检查;必要的辅助检查如B超、X线、心电图均在抢救室床旁进行;必须搬动的特殊检查如CT, MRI等,在休克稳定或已建立可靠静脉通路和气道后进行. 在边抢救、边诊断的同时积极准备实施确定性抢救手术. 初步抢救成功者立即转入相关科室,进行后续挽救生命的紧急手术.

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