

作者:大江 | 时间:2014-10-1 14:58:17 | 阅读:610| 显示全部楼层

       陈正永 徐建光 沈丽英 顾玉东

摘 要:目的 研究肌松药卡肌宁对大鼠术中复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)的影响。 方法 取SD大鼠16只,实验组腹腔内注射卡肌宁(10 &mu;g/kg),对照组腹腔内注射等体积等渗盐水。于用药前、后每隔5 min,刺激坐骨神经,于股二头肌记录CMAP,研究肌松药作用下CMAP潜伏期、波幅的变化规律。 结果 对照组:各时间组CMAP的潜伏期、波幅间均无明显改变(P>0.05)。实验组:CMAP变化可分为3个阶段:(1)诱导期:表现为潜伏期逐渐延长,波幅逐渐下降,但与用药前波幅相比,下降幅度<50%,该期持续约15~20 min;(2)抑制期:表现为CMAP波形消失或波幅下降,幅度>50%,该期持续约10~15 min;(3)恢复期:表现为潜伏期逐渐缩短,波幅逐渐增高,直至恢复用药前水平,该期持续约15~25 min。 结论 卡肌宁对CMAP的影响可分为诱导期、抑制期和恢复期3个阶段。为正确评价神经肌肉功能状况,术中肌电检测时应争取在恢复期(用药后40~45 min)后进行。
关键词:神经肌肉非去极化剂; 动作电位,肌肉; 肌电描记术

Effect of tracrium on compound muscle action potential in rats

CHEN Zhengyong XU Jianguang SHEN Liying, et al.
(Dept. of Hand Surgery, Huashan Hospital , Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200040, China)

Abstract:Objective To study the effect of tracrium on compound muscle action potential(CMAP) in rats.  Methods All 16 SD rats were divided into two groups. In the experiment group, tracrium (10 &mu;g/kg) was given by intraperitoneal injection; and isotonic saline of the same volume was given to the control group. CMAP was recorded in the biceps following a stimulation at the sciatic nerve at different time, i.e. every 5 minutes before and after injection until it returned to normal. Latency and amplitude of CMAP were calculated and statistically analyzed.  Results In the control group, there were no significant changes in latency and amplitude before and after injection of saline (P>0.05). As to the experiment group, the changes of CMAP were divided into 3 stages. (1) Induction stage. The latency was gradually delayed, and the amplitude reduced. But compared with normal CMAP, the amplitude reduction rate was below 50%. The stage lasted 15-20 minutes. (2) Inhibition stage. CMAP was absent or the amplitude reduction rate was above 50%. The stage lasted 10-15 minutes. (3) Restoration stage. The latency was gradually shortened. However, the amplitude increased to normal state. The stage lasted 15-25 minutes.  Conclusions The changes of CMAP in rats under the effect of tracrium can be divided into induction, inhibition and restoration stage. In order to correctly evaluate the function of neuromuscle, the intraoperative CMAP test should be performed after restoration stage(40-45 minutes).
Key words:Neuromuscular nondepolarizing agents; Action potentials, muscles;  Electromyography▲



  1. 实验动物分组及用药:取SD大鼠16只,体重300~350 g。麻醉:质量浓度为10 g/L的戊巴比妥钠腹腔内注射(40 mg/kg)。体位:俯卧位。显露右侧坐骨神经及股二头肌,从坐骨切迹往远端游离坐骨神经约3 cm。随机分成2组,每组8只。实验组:腹腔内注射肌松药卡肌宁(10 &mu;g/kg);对照组:腹腔内注射等体积等渗盐水;
  2. CMAP检测:应用意大利ESAOTE PHASIS 肌电仪,于用药前5 min及用药后每隔5 min,用自制双极电极刺激坐骨神经同一部位(坐骨切迹以远2 cm处),用同芯针电极于股二头肌同一部位(距刺激电极3 cm肌腹内),记录CMAP。刺激参数:方波0.2,频率1次/s,强度2~3 mA。记录参数:灵敏度1~5 mV/小格(随波幅大小调整),扫描速度1 ms/小格。每个时间组均进行2次刺激和记录(CMAP的相位和形状需基本一致),分别计算CMAP的潜伏期、波幅大小,取其平均值,并观察其动态变化,直至恢复用药前水平。
  3. 数据处理:将所得数据用6.11版本SAS软件进行统计学处理,研究肌松药作用下潜伏期、波幅的变化规律。

结 果

  1. 卡肌宁对大鼠CMAP潜伏期的影响:两组不同用药各时间段CMAP潜伏期变化见表1。其中,对照组大鼠CMAP的潜伏期各时间段差异无显著性(P>0.05)。,实验组与对照组比较,用药前5 min与用药后5 min CMAP的潜伏期差异无显著性(P>0.05)。但用药后10~45 min,实验组CMAP的潜伏期均长于对照组,差异有显著性(P<0.05或0.01)。此后,实验组CMAP的潜伏期与对照组比较,差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

表1 两组不同用药大鼠各时间段CMAP潜伏期变化(±s, ms)

组别 鼠数 用药前
5 min 用药后时间(min)
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
实验组 8

    0.11 0.13 0.22 0.33 0.36 0.53 0.58 0.43 0.33 0.37
对照组 8 1.20± 1.21± 1.20± 1.21± 1.19± 1.20± 1.20± 1.21± 1.20± 1.21±

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