
巴顿骨折(Barton's fracture)

作者:大江 | 时间:2018-10-2 07:42:12 | 阅读:614| 显示全部楼层
A palmar Barton's fracture of the right wrist, as shown on a 3D-rendered CT scan.jpg

Lateral projectional radiograph of the same fracture..jpg


Barton的骨折有两种类型 - 背侧和手掌,后者更常见。 Barton骨折是由于手腕伸展和旋前的下降引起的,增加了背侧缘的腕压力。 关节内组件将这种骨折与Smith或Colles的骨折区分开来。 这种骨折的治疗通常通过开放复位和用钢板和螺钉内固定来完成,但偶尔也可以保守地治疗骨折。

它以John Rhea Barton(1794-1871)的名字命名,他是一位美国外科医生,于1838年首次对此进行了描述。

John Rhea Barton(1794年4月 - 1871年1月1日)是一名美国矫形外科医生,他因描述巴顿的骨折而被人们记住。

1 早年生活
2 事业
3 个人生活
3.1 后代
3.2 遗产
4 参考

巴顿于1794年4月出生于宾夕法尼亚州的兰开斯特。他是伊丽莎白(néeRhea)巴顿(生于1759年)和威廉巴顿(1754-1817)的儿子,设计美国大玺的律师。 在他的兄弟姐妹中,哥哥是医学植物学家,医生,教授,海军外科医生和植物插图画家William Paul Crillon Barton博士。 他的叔叔本杰明史密斯巴顿是一位杰出的医学植物学家和美国哲学学会的副主席。


他成为Philadelphia Almshouse的外科医生,为Philip Syng Physick博士工作,并于1823年作为外科医生回到宾夕法尼亚医院。

据说他是个灵巧的人,一旦做了手术,就不会四处走动。他开创了关节强直截骨术,在大转子和小转子之间进行股骨截骨术; [1826年,他在7分钟内进行了髋关节截骨术。


Barton与Ann Fries Frazer(1807-1837)结婚。安是特拉华县地方检察官罗伯特弗雷泽的女儿,也是唐弗利弗弗雷泽将军的孙女。在费城,Bartons居住在512 South Broad Street。他们一起是以下的父母:

在第一任妻子去世后,Barton与女商人Susanna Ridgway Rotch的女继承人Susanna Ridgway Rotch再婚。


通过他的女儿爱丽丝,他是约翰瑞亚巴顿威林的祖父,他没有结婚; Susan Ridgway Willing,与Francis Cooper Lawrance Jr结婚; 和Ava Lowle Willing一起,直到1910年与John Jacob Astor IV(William B. Astor,Jr。和Caroline Schermerhorn Astor的儿子)结婚,之后又与第四男爵Ribblesdale的Thomas Lister结婚。

1877年,他的遗腹Susan Ridgley Barton在宾夕法尼亚大学医学院被授予“John Rhea Barton外科教授职位”,是美国第一位外科医生。

Dorsal Barton's Fracture / Dorsal Shearing Frx – Wheeless' Textbook of Orthopaedics
synd/2821 at Who Named It?
J. R. Barton. Views and treatment of an important injury of the wrist. Medical Examiner, Philadelphia, 1838, 1: 365–368.
Wikisource-logo.svg Kelly, Howard A.; Burrage, Walter L., eds. (1920). "Barton, John Rhea". American Medical Biographies. Baltimore: The Norman, Remington Company.
Barton JR. Views and treatment of an important injury of the wrist. Medical Examiner, Philadelphia, 1838; 1: 365-368
Barton JR (March 2007). "On the treatment of ankylosis by the formation of artificial joints. 1827". Clin. Orthop. Relat. Res. 456: 9–14. doi:10.1097/BLO.0b013e31803254fd. PMID 17496747. Retrieved 2009-04-17.
John Rhea Barton at Who Named It?
VanSant, Kimber (May 4, 2009). "Dr. John Rhea Barton Residence | 512 South Broad Street" (PDF). vansant.us. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
"Susan Ridgway Rotch Barton. | Library Company of Philadelphia Digital Collections". digital.librarycompany.org. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
Klein, Randolph Shipley (1975). Portrait of an Early American Family: The Shippens of Pennsylvania Across Five Generations. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 9780812277005. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
Browning, Charles Henry (1891). Americans of Royal Descent: A Collection of Genealogies of American Families Whose Lineage is Traced to the Legimate Issue of Kings. Porter & Costes. p. 86. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
"J.R. BARTON WILLING DEAD. Brother of Mrs. John Astor Succumbs to Diphtheria at 48" (PDF). The New York Times. September 3, 1913. Retrieved 11 July 2018.
"F.C. LAWRENCE, JR., MARRIED. Bride Was Miss Susan Willing, a Sister of Mrs. J.J. Astor — Ceremony Performed at Newport" (PDF). The New York Times. November 3, 1899. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
"Would Probably Share $100,000,000 Estate with Stepmother in Event of His Father's Death". The New York Times. April 17, 1912. Retrieved 2008-08-11. Mrs. Ava Willing Astor, obtained her divorce from John Jacob Astor, in November, 1909
"Lady Ribblesdale Dead. First Wife of John Jacob Astor IV. Mother of Vincent Astor". The New York Times. June 11, 1958. Retrieved 2008-08-11. Ava Willing Ribblesdale, she took up residence here. She continued to be listed in the telephone directory as Lady Ribblesdale.....
The Historical Society of Pennsylvania (HSP), Frank Willing Leach, Genealogies of Old Philadelphia Families Published in the Sunday North American, vol. 1, p. 133.
"John Rhea Barton Professorship of Surgery | Endowed Professorships". www.med.upenn.edu. Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved 16 July 2018.
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