

作者:大江 | 时间:2019-5-7 00:01:43 | 阅读:879| 显示全部楼层
腹侧被盖区(VTA)(被盖是拉丁语用于覆盖),也称为Tsai腹侧被盖区[1]或简称腹侧被盖,是一组位于中脑底部中线附近的神经元。 VTA是中脑皮质边缘多巴胺系统和其他多巴胺途径的多巴胺能细胞体的起源; 它广泛涉及大脑的药物和自然奖励回路。 VTA在许多过程中发挥着重要作用,包括认知,动机,性高潮,[2]和与爱有关的强烈情绪,以及一些精神疾病。 VTA中的神经元投射到大脑的许多区域,从前额叶皮层到尾侧脑干以及其间的几个区域。

视频:2分钟神经科学 - 腹侧被盖区(VTA)

Transverse section of mid-brain at level of superior colliculi. (Tegmentum label.png
中脑横断面上丘的水平。 (被盖在中间右侧。)

1 结构
1.1 位置
1.2 细分
1.3 输入
1.4 产出
1.5 发育
2 功能
2.1 存在间隙连接
2.2 神经组成
2.3 边缘循环
2.4 CA3循环
2.5 奖励制度
3 临床意义
3.1 障碍
3.2 吸毒成瘾
4 比较解剖和进化
5 参考文献


Anatomical location of VTA in humans.png


1987年,Oades在VTA A10细胞群中鉴定出四个原代细胞核:颅内核(Npn),腭裂核(Npbp),细胞核(Nif)和线状核(Nln)尾静脉和延髓炎。目前,科学家将VTA分为四个相似的区域,称为颅内核(PN),臂旁色素区(PBP),旁筋膜反射区(PFR),以及大体上的内侧肌细胞核(RMTg)。以前的部门。 VTA的一些定义还包括中线核(即,束间核,嘴侧线性核和中央线性核)。

PN和PBP富含多巴胺能细胞,而另外两个区域具有这些神经元的低密度。 PFR和RMTg含有低密度的酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)阳性细胞体,体积小,染色轻; RMTg主要由GABA能细胞组成。另一方面,PN和PBP主要由适度染色的中到大型TH阳性细胞体组成。


VTA不是同源区域,因为它由多种神经元组成,其特征在于不同的神经化学和神经生理学特性。因此,谷氨酸能和GABA能的输入不仅仅是抑制性的,也不仅仅是兴奋性的。 VTA接受来自前额叶皮质,足弓根管核(PPTg),晚期背侧肌核,丘脑底核,纹状体末端的床核,上丘,以及下丘脑外侧和视前区的谷氨酸能传入[3]。

VTA的GABA能输入包括伏隔核,腹侧苍白球和内窥镜中央核(RMTg)。外侧缰核通过激发RMTg GABA能神经元对VTA中的多巴胺能神经元发挥抑制作用,这被认为在奖赏预测误差中起重要作用。[4]

投射入VTA的大多数结构都会产生兴奋性谷氨酸过敏。这些谷氨酸能传入物在调节VTA细胞发射中起关键作用。当谷氨酸能神经元被激活时,多巴胺神经元的放电率在VTA中增加并诱导爆发放电。研究表明,VTA中的这些谷氨酸能作用对滥用药物的作用至关重要。相比之下,腹侧被盖区的尾部(tVTA,也就是RMTg)与GABAergic传入神经向VTA投射,作为VTA多巴胺通路的“主制动器”。[5] [6]


VTA的两个主要传出纤维投影是中皮质和中脑边缘通路,分别对应于前额皮质和伏隔核[7] [8]。下面列出了所有使用多巴胺作为其主要神经递质的全套预测。[7]




2006年,Helen Fisher和她的研究小组进行的MRI研究发现并记录了与强烈的爱情相关的各种情绪状态与VTA中的活动相关,这可能有助于解释被拒绝的伴侣的强迫行为,因为这是由奖励系统共享的。巢分享行为与新配对斑胸草雀的VTA中V1aR表达增加有关。[9]然而,V1aR表达与女性定向歌曲率无关,这可能表明血管紧张素在VTA中对配对维持与求偶行为的选择性作用。[9]


与黑质一样,VTA中含有黑色素色素沉着的多巴胺能神经元。[11]最近的研究表明,多巴胺能神经元占VTA中所有神经元的50-60%,[12]这与先前的证据相反,后者认为VTA中77%的神经元是多巴胺能的。[13]此外,在脊柱内侧肌细胞核(RMTg)中存在相当大量的GABA能神经元,这是一种功能上不同的脑结构。[5] [6]这些GABA能神经元调节其多巴胺能对应物的发射,其将整个脑中的投射传递到(但不限于)以下区域:前额皮质,伏隔核和蓝斑。 VTA还含有一小部分兴奋性谷氨酸能神经元。


将背景与奖励联系起来对于奖励寻求非常重要。 2011年,一组研究人员记录了使用侧隔膜作为中介的VTA-CA3环。他们使用伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)作为跨突触示踪剂,并将其注射到VTA中。他们发现单侧注射VTA导致注射后48小时开始在CA3中进行双侧PRV标记。在VTA PRV注射之前的尾侧间隔(cd-LS)的损伤导致CA3中PRV标记的神经元显着减少。 θ3的θ波刺激导致VTA中多巴胺细胞的放电率增加,并且VTA中GABA神经元的放电率降低。通过记录神经元的neurobiotin TM标记确认VTA神经元的身份,然后对酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)进行组织学染色。通过GABA激动剂暂时灭活CA3可以防止背景诱导的静脉注射可卡因的压力恢复。[14]


人脑中的多巴胺奖励回路涉及从腹侧中脑到伏隔核 - 嗅结节复合体的两个投射系统。首先,后内侧VTA和中央线性中缝细胞选择性地投射到腹内侧纹状体,其包括内侧嗅结节和内侧NAC壳。其次,侧向VTA主要向腹外侧纹状体突出,其包括NAC核心,内侧NAC壳和侧嗅结节。这些途径分别称为meso-ventromedial和meso-ventrolateral纹状体多巴胺系统。内侧投影系统在以情感和驱动为特征的觉醒调节中是重要的,并且在侧向投影系统中在目标导向行为中起不同的作用。与侧面部分不同,内侧部分不是通过奖励而是通过有害刺激来激活。[15] [16]因此,NAC外壳和后VTA是奖励系统中涉及的主要区域。






List of regions in the human brain

Phillipson, O. T. (1979). "Afferent projections to the ventral tegmental area of Tsai and interfascicular nucleus: A horseradish peroxidase study in the rat". The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 187 (1): 117–143. doi:10.1002/cne.901870108. PMID 489776.
Holstege, G.; Georgiadis, J. R.; Paans, A. M.; Meiners, L. C.; Van Der Graaf, F. H.; Reinders, A. A. (2003). "Brain activation during human male ejaculation". The Journal of Neuroscience. 23 (27): 9185–9193. PMID 14534252.
Morikawa, H; Paladini, CA (15 December 2011). "Dynamic regulation of midbrain dopamine neuron activity: intrinsic, synaptic, and plasticity mechanisms". Neuroscience. 198: 95–111. doi:10.1016/j.neuroscience.2011.08.023. PMC 3221882. PMID 21872647.
Watabe-Uchida, Mitsuko; Eshel, Neir; Uchida, Naoshige (July 2017). "Neural Circuitry of Reward Prediction Error". Annual Review of Neuroscience. 40: 373–394. doi:10.1146/annurev-neuro-072116-031109. PMID 28441114.
Bourdy R, Barrot M (November 2012). "A new control center for dopaminergic systems: pulling the VTA by the tail". Trends Neurosci. 35 (11): 681–690. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2012.06.007. PMID 22824232. In light of the crucial role of the tVTA in the opiate control of dopamine activity ...
In the context of addiction, the tVTA is a target for psychostimulant-induced plasticity [1,6,23] and is also essential for morphine action on dopamine neurons [19]. This latter finding suggests that the classical disinhibition model may need to be revisited in light of the GABAergic control that the tVTA exerts on dopamine systems. ...
The tVTA is rich in inhibitory GABA neurons expressing μ-opioid receptors and sends extensive projections toward midbrain dopamine cells. It is proposed as a major brake for dopamine systems. ...
The tVTA was initially described in rats as a bilateral cluster of GABA neurons within the posterior VTA, dorsolateral to the interpeduncular nucleus, and expressing FosB/ΔFosB after psychostimulant administration [1]. However, the Fos staining showed that this group of cells extends caudally beyond the defined borders of the VTA [1], shifting dorsally to become embedded within the superior cerebellar peduncle [2]. Around the same time as the tVTA was described, a region caudal to the rat VTA and lateral to the median raphe was proposed to influence passive aversive responses [24]. This region belongs to the reticular formation and was later designated as RMTg [3]. The RMTg extends rostrally, shifting ventrally to become embedded within the posterior VTA. A similar region has also been observed in primates [18] and in mice [25]. There is now agreement that the tVTA and RMTg are two faces of the same structure.
Barrot M, Sesack SR, Georges F, Pistis M, Hong S, Jhou TC (October 2012). "Braking dopamine systems: a new GABA master structure for mesolimbic and nigrostriatal functions". J. Neurosci. 32 (41): 14094–14101. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3370-12.2012. PMC 3513755. PMID 23055478. The tVTA/RMTg sends dense GABA projections to VTA and substantia nigra neurons. ...
Indeed, tVTA/RMTg cells express high levels of mu-opioid receptors (Jhou et al., 2009a, 2012; Jalabert et al., 2011), and in vivo, ex vivo and optogenetic electrophysiological approaches demonstrated that morphine excites dopamine neurons by targeting receptors localized to tVTA/RMTg cell bodies as well as its terminals within the VTA (Jalabert et al., 2011; Lecca et al., 2011; Matsui and Williams, 2011; Lecca et al., 2012). ... Recent research on the tVTA/RMTg started from observations related to psychostimulant induction of FosB/ΔFosB (Perrotti et al., 2005) and to the control of aversive responses (Jhou, 2005). The rat tVTA/RMTg showed a neuroanatomically delimited increase in the expression of Fos-related proteins following exposure to psychostimulants (Scammel et al., 2000; Perrotti et al., 2005; Geisler et al., 2008; Jhou et al., 2009a; Kaufling et al., 2009, 2010a, 2010b; Rottlant et al., 2010; Zahm et al., 2010; Cornish et al., 2012). This induction was observed with both acute and chronic exposure to psychostimulants, and with both self-administration and non-contingent administration. There is a strong selectivity of this molecular response, as the Fos-related induction was never observed with non-psychostimulant drugs (Perrotti et al., 2005; Kaufling et al., 2010b).
Malenka RC, Nestler EJ, Hyman SE (2009). "Chapter 6: Widely Projecting Systems: Monoamines, Acetylcholine, and Orexin". In Sydor A, Brown RY (eds.). Molecular Neuropharmacology: A Foundation for Clinical Neuroscience (2nd ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Medical. pp. 147–148, 154–157. ISBN 9780071481274. Neurons from the SNc densely innervate the dorsal striatum where they play a critical role in the learning and execution of motor programs. Neurons from the VTA innervate the ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens), olfactory bulb, amygdala, hippocampus, orbital and medial prefrontal cortex, and cingulate cortex. VTA DA neurons play a critical role in motivation, reward-related behavior, attention, and multiple forms of memory. ... Thus, acting in diverse terminal fields, dopamine confers motivational salience ("wanting") on the reward itself or associated cues (nucleus accumbens shell region), updates the value placed on different goals in light of this new experience (orbital prefrontal cortex), helps consolidate multiple forms of memory (amygdala and hippocampus), and encodes new motor programs that will facilitate obtaining this reward in the future (nucleus accumbens core region and dorsal striatum). ... DA has multiple actions in the prefrontal cortex. It promotes the "cognitive control" of behavior: the selection and successful monitoring of behavior to facilitate attainment of chosen goals. Aspects of cognitive control in which DA plays a role include working memory, the ability to hold information "on line" in order to guide actions, suppression of prepotent behaviors that compete with goal-directed actions, and control of attention and thus the ability to overcome distractions. ... Noradrenergic projections from the LC thus interact with dopaminergic projections from the VTA to regulate cognitive control. ...
Nechifor M (March 2008). "Magnesium in drug dependences". Magnes Res. 21 (1): 5–15. PMID 18557129.
Tomaszycki, ML; Richardson, KK; Mann, KJ (October 2016). "Sex and pairing status explain variations in the activation of nonapeptide receptors in song and motivation regions". Behavioral Neuroscience. 130 (5): 479–489. doi:10.1037/bne0000159. PMID 27504854.
Allison, D.W.; Ohran, A.J.; Mameli, M.; Valenzuela, C.F.; Sudweeks, S. N.; Ray, A. P.; Henriksen, S. J.; Steffensen, S. C. (2006). "Connexin-36 gap junctions mediate electrical coupling between ventral tegmental area GABA neurons". Synapse. 60 (1): 20–31. doi:10.1002/syn.20272. PMID 16575850.
Margolis, EB; Lock, H; Hjelmstad, GO; Fields, HL (2006b). "The ventral tegmental area revisited: Is there an electrophysiological marker for dopaminergic neurons?". J. Physiol. 577 (3): 907–24. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.2006.117069. PMC 1890372. PMID 16959856.
Johnson, SW; North, RA (May 1992). "Two types of neurone in the rat ventral tegmental area and their synaptic inputs". The Journal of Physiology. 450: 455–68. doi:10.1113/jphysiol.1992.sp019136. PMC 1176131. PMID 1331427.
Luo, Alice; Tahsili-Fahadan, P.; Wise, R. A.; Lupica, C. R.; Aston-Jones, G. (July 2011). "Linking Context with Reward: A Functional Circuit From Hippocampal CA3 to Ventral Tegmental Area". Science. 333 (6040): 353–356. Bibcode:2011Sci...333..353L. doi:10.1126/science.1204622. PMC 3150711. PMID 21764750.
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