

作者:大江 | 时间:2019-8-21 00:00:22 | 阅读:670| 显示全部楼层
前庭大腺(也称为Bartholin glands或greater vestibular glands)是两个豌豆大小的复合泡腺[2]位于阴道开口的稍后和左右两侧。 它们分泌粘液以润滑阴道,并与男性的尿道球腺腺体同源。 然而,虽然Bartholin腺体位于女性的浅表会阴囊中,但是尿道球腺位于男性的深会阴囊中。 它们的管道长度为1.5到2.0厘米,它们通向舟状窝。[2] 管道是成对的,它们在外阴表面打开。

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3 临床病理
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De ovariis mulierum et generationis historia epistola anatomica, 1678.jpg
前庭大腺最早由丹麦解剖学家卡斯帕尔·巴托林(1655-1738)在17世纪描述。[3] [4]一些资料来源错误地将他们的发现归因于他的祖父、神学家和解剖学家老卡斯帕·巴索林(1585-1629)[5]

前庭大腺分泌性粘液,在性唤起期间提供阴道润滑。[4] [6] [7]液体可能会略微滋润阴道的阴唇口,使这个敏感区域更加舒适。[8]

前庭大腺有可能被阻塞并发炎,导致疼痛。[8]这被称为Bartholinitis或Bartholin囊肿。[4] [9] Bartholin囊肿反过来可以被感染并形成脓肿。腺体腺癌是罕见的,良性肿瘤和增生甚至更罕见。[10]前庭大腺癌是一种罕见的恶性肿瘤,发生在1%的外阴癌中。这可能是由于存在三种不同类型的上皮组织[3]。 Skene腺体和前庭大腺的炎症可能与膀胱膨出相似[11]。

Skene's gland
Thomas Bartholin

Greater Vestibular (Bartholin) gland Archived January 12, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
Manual of Obstetrics. (3rd ed.). Elsevier. pp. 1-16. ISBN 9788131225561.
Heller, Debra S.; Bean, Sarah (2014). "Lesions of the Bartholin Gland". Journal of Lower Genital Tract Disease. 18 (4): 351–357. doi:10.1097/LGT.0000000000000016. ISSN 1089-2591.
Lee, M. Y; Dalpiaz, A; Schwamb, R; Miao, Y; Waltzer, W; Khan, A (2015). "Clinical Pathology of Bartholin's Glands: A Review of the Literature". Current Urology. 8 (1): 22–25. doi:10.1159/000365683. PMC 4483306.
C. C. Gillispie (ed.): Dictionary of Scientific Biography, New York 1970.[page needed].
"Viscera of the Urogenital Triangle". University of Arkansas Medical School.
Chrétien, F.C.; Berthou J. (September 18, 2006). "Crystallographic investigation of the dried exudate of the major vestibular (Bartholin's) glands in women". Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 135 (1): 116–22. doi:10.1016/j.ejogrb.2006.06.031. PMID 16987591.
"Bartholin's Gland". Discovery Health. Archived from the original on 2008-08-04.
Sue E. Huether (2014). Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 817. ISBN 9780323293754.
Argenta PA, Bell K, Reynolds C, Weinstein R (Oct 1997). "Bartholin's gland hyperplasia in a postmenopausal woman". Obstetrics & Gynecology. 90 (4 part 2): 695–7. doi:10.1016/S0029-7844(97)00409-2. PMID 11770602.
"Cystoceles, Urethroceles, Enteroceles, and Rectoceles - Gynecology and Obstetrics - Merck Manuals Professional Edition". Merck Manuals Professional Edition. Retrieved 2018-02-06.
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