

作者:大江 | 时间:2019-10-16 00:01:20 | 阅读:722| 显示全部楼层
Superior colliculus=上丘
Lateral geniculate body=外侧膝状体
Mesencephalic nucleus of trigeminal nerve=三叉神经中脑核
Principal sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve=三叉神经感觉主核
Trigeminal nerve (V) and ganglion=三叉神经 (V) 和神经节
Facial nerve (VII) and geniculate ganglion=面神经 (VII) 和膝状神经节
Vestibulocochlear nerve=前庭蜗神经
Cochlear nuclei=蜗核
Vestibular nuclei=前庭核
Glossopharyngeal nerve=舌咽神经
Vagus nerve=迷走神经
Spinal tract and spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve=三叉神经脊髓束和脊髓核
Solitary tract nucleus=孤束核
Oculomotor nerve=动眼神经
Red nucleus=红核
Oculomotor nucleus=动眼神经核
Accessory oculomotor nucleus=动眼神经副核
Trochlear nucleus=滑车神经核
Trochlear nerve=滑车神经
Motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve=三叉神经运动核
Trigeminal nerve (V) and ganglion=三叉神经 (V) 和 神经节
Abducent nucleus=展神经核
Facial nucleus=面神经核
Geniculum (geniculate ganglion) of facial nerve=面神经膝
Superior and inferior salivatory nuclei=上、下唾液腺核
Glossopharyngeal nerve=舌咽神经
Vagus nerve=迷走神经
Accessory nerve=副神经
Nucleus ambiguous=疑核
Dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve=迷走神经背核
Hypoglossal nucleus=舌下神经核
Accessory nucleus=副核
Anterior cerebral artery=大脑前动脉
M2 branch of the middle cerebral artery =大脑中动脉M2支
Posterior cerebral artery=大脑后动脉
Internal carotid artery=内颈动脉
M3 branch of the middle cerebral artery=大脑中动脉M3支
Middle cerebral artery=大脑中动脉
Petrous segment of internal carotid artery=颈内动脉岩段
Basilar artery=基底动脉
Vertebral artery=椎动脉
Cavernous internal carotid artery=颈内海绵动脉
Cortical vein=皮质静脉
Superior sagittal sinus=上矢状窦
Sigmoid sinus=乙状窦
Transverse sinus=横窦
Jugular bulb=颈静脉球
A2 branch of the anterior cerebral artery=大脑前动脉A2支
A1 branch of the anterior cerebral artery=大脑前动脉A1支
Basilar artery=基底动脉
Vertebral artery=椎动脉
Cavernous internal carotid artery=颈内海绵动脉
Petrous internal carotid artery=颈内动脉岩部
M1 branch of the middle cerebral artery=大脑中动脉的M1分支
M2 branch of the middle cerebral artery=大脑中动脉M2支
M3 branch of the middle cerebral artery=大脑中动脉M3支
Cavernous sinus=海绵窦
Inferior petrosal sinus=岩下窦
Sigmoid sinus=乙状窦
Transverse sinus=横窦
Superior sagittal=上矢状窦
Cortical vein=皮质静脉
Anterior cerebral artery=大脑前动脉
Circle of Willis=动脉环
Internal carotid arteries=内颈动脉
External carotid arteries=外颈动脉
Vertebral artery=椎动脉
Right common carotid artery=右颈总动脉
Brachiocephalic trunk=头臂动脉干
Aortic trunk=主动脉弓
Subclavian artery=锁骨下动脉
Middle cerebral artery=大脑中动脉
Cavernous internal carotid artery=颈内海绵动脉
Basilar artery=基底动脉
Cavernous internal carotid artery=颈内海绵动脉
Basilar artery=基底动脉
Right internal Carotid artery=右颈内动脉
Left internal carotid artery=左颈内动脉
Left vertebral artery=左侧椎动脉
Right external carotid=右颈外
Right common carotid=右颈总
Right vertebral artery=右侧椎动脉
Left subclavian artery=左锁骨下动脉
Basilar artery=基底动脉
Left vertebral artery=左侧椎动脉
Internal Maxillary artery=上颌内动脉
Occipital artery=枕动脉
Right vertebral artery=右侧椎动脉
Internal carotid artery=颈内动脉
Superior thyroidal artery=甲状腺上动脉
Ascending pharyngeal artery=咽升动脉
Petrous internal=岩内
Facial artery=面动脉
Lingual artery=舌动脉
Angular vein=内眦静脉
Sigmoid sinus=乙状窦
Facial vein=面静脉
Superior sagittal sinus=上矢状窦
Transverse sinus=横窦
Internal jugualr vein=颈内静脉

参考:Netter's Correlative Imaging - Neuroanatomy 1E
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