
坎特利线(Cantlie line)

作者:大江 | 时间:2020-8-12 00:05:30 | 阅读:1380| 显示全部楼层


苏格兰外科医生詹姆士·坎特利(James Cantlie)于1887年首次对其进行描述,当时他在进行尸体解剖时注意到肝脏这条线两侧的萎缩程度有所不同。他得出的结论是,将萎缩的部分与肥大的部分分开的线必须是肝脏的真正中线,这与脐裂隙将肝脏分开的更普遍的观点相反。如弗朗西斯·格里森(Francis Glisson)在《解剖肝》中所描述的,门静脉在肝门附近会分裂,但坎特利是第一个提出将肝脏功能划分为独立的,左右两半的人。稍后在Rous和Larimore在1920年以及Schalm在1956年进行的实验中得到了证实。虽然这一发现是在1897年,但第一例临床门静脉阻塞直到1982年才发现。

Standring, Susan (2015-07-07). Gray's Anatomy E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences. p. 1162.
Cantlie, J. (1897). "On a new arrangement of the right and left lobes of the liver". Proceedings – Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 32: 4–9.
van Gulik, TM; van den Esschert, JW (2010). "James Cantlie's early messages for hepatic surgeons: how the concept of pre-operative portal vein occlusion was defined". HPB. Oxford. 12 (2): 81–83. doi:10.1111/j.1477-2574.2009.00124.x. PMC 2826664. PMID 20495650.
Rous P, Larimore (1920). "Relation of the portal blood to liver maintenance: A demonstration of liver atrophy conditional on compensation". J Exp Med. 31: 609–632. doi:10.1084/jem.31.5.609.
Schalm L, Bax HR, Mansens BJ (1956). "Atrophy of the liver after occlusion of the bile ducts or portal vein and compensatory hypertrophy of the unoccluded portion and its clinical importance". Gastroenterology. 31: 131–155. doi:10.1016/s0016-5085(19)35886-x.
Makuuchi M, Takayasu K, Takuma T, Yamazaki S, Hasegawa H, Nishiura S, et al. (1984). "Preoperative transcatheter embolization of the portal venous branch for patients receiving extended lobectomy due to the bile duct carcinoma". J Jpn Surg Assoc. (45): 1558–1564.
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