
文献翻译——What’s New in Orthopaedic Trauma2010骨科创伤新进展

作者:大江 | 时间:2010-10-7 17:10:23 | 阅读:1046| 显示全部楼层
What’s New in Orthopaedic Trauma2010

By John Weinlein, MD, and Andrew H. Schmidt, MD

The field of musculoskeletal trauma continues to benefit from advances in basic science, improved methods of treatment(both operative and nonoperative), innovation in surgical devices,and more sophisticated research methodology, with emphasis on comparative clinical trials and appropriate assessment of outcomes. The emphasis on evidence-based management continues in the literature and in presentations at academic conferences.

For this year’s summary of advances in orthopaedic traumatology, the authors again reviewed all issues of Acta Orthopaedica, Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Injury,The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (both American and British volumes), Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, and The Journal of Trauma. Selected articles from other journals were also included. Finally, presentations from the annual meetings of the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA) and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) were reviewed. Articles and presentations that represent Level-I and Level-II evidence are reviewed in this article along with other articles of clinical importance in the opinion of the authors.

The rigorous documentation of outcome, especially from the patient’s perspective, has been one of the major advances in orthopaedic surgery over the past decade. Two studies investigated differences between patient and surgeon perceptions of outcome after orthopaedic trauma. One study evaluated patients six months after they had sustained a“major”fracture1. Surgeons were more satisfied with their patients’ progress than the patients themselves were. The only factor associated with surgeon satisfaction was fracture-healing. Objective injury and treatment factors were not associated with patient satisfaction in terms of progress. Attributing blame of the injury to others was associated with patient satisfaction in terms of progress, whereas blame, the use of a lawyer, and female sex were associated with patient satisfaction in terms of recovery1.

The Lower Extremity Assessment Project (LEAP) investigators reported data, obtained from their observational study of patients with limb-threatening lower extremity injury, that documented the discrepancy between patient and surgeon perceptions of functional and cosmetic outcomes2. Several factors were predictive of discordance; some were associated with higher surgeon satisfaction whereas others were associated with greater patient satisfaction. Self-reported patient dissatisfaction with overall medical care was predictive of discordance in the perception of both overall and cosmetic outcomes between patients and surgeons.

A third study assessed the outcomes of “after-hours”treatment of tibial and femoral shaft fractures with intramedullary nailing3. Patients undergoing femoral or tibial nailing at night had a higher rate of unplanned reoperation than those managed during the day, and patients with femoral fractures that were treated at night had a greater need for interlocking screw removal in comparison with those who were managed during the day (27% compared with 3%). The authors concluded that allocating resources to increase daytime surgery for non-emergency intramedullary nailing cases has the potential to decrease the rate of minor complications.
第三项研究评估了胫骨和股骨干骨折于夜间行髓内针治疗的结果3。在夜间应用股骨或胫骨髓内针治疗的患者较日间手术者有更高的非预期性再手术率,在夜间治疗的股骨骨折患者较日间患者更有必要取出锁定螺钉(27% : 3%)。作者认为,增加日间非急诊的髓内针手术资源配置可能会减少一些轻度并发症。

The concepts and proper application of damage-control orthopaedics continue to be defined. In one series of polytrauma patients undergoing treatment of femoral fractures, “normalizing lactate” was considered to be indicative of adequate resuscitation and the indication to proceed with primary intramedullary nailing of the fracture4. Overall, 88% of patients underwent femoral nailing with reaming at an average of fourteen hours after admission, whereas 12% underwent provisional external fixation.Adult respiratory distress syndrome occurred in 1.5% of patients, which was lower than the rate among historic controls. Adult respiratory distress syndrome was also less common than expected in patients with pulmonary injury and in the most severely injured patients. These findings indicate that simple measures of resuscitation (in this case, serum lactate) are reasonable indicators of when a patient is physiologically able to undergo nailing for the treatment of a femoral fracture.

Another study challenged the idea that external fixation is the only effective method of provisional femoral fracture stabilization when employing damage-control orthopaedics5. There was no difference in terms of adult respiratory distress syndrome, multisystem organ failure, and pneumonia in polytrauma patients undergoing delayed stabilization of a femoral fracture that had been treated initially with skeletal traction or placement of an external fixator. There also were no differences when patients with associated chest trauma were compared. The authors concluded that, unless a patient is already undergoing general anesthesia, there is no significant advantage of external fixation as compared with skeletal traction.

Open Fractures, Wound Management, and Infection
A continued source of controversy in orthopaedic trauma is whether increased time to surgical debridement increases the infection rate in patients with open fractures. The LEAP investigators evaluated their cohort of patients with severe lower extremity trauma and found that the time from injury to debridement was not predictive of infection6. However, the time from the injury to admission to the definitive treatment center was a significant predictor of infection. Because of the observational nature of this study, the reasons for this finding are not clear, and the authors concluded that their data “should not be interpreted as an argument that operative debridement of open fractures should not be accomplished urgently.”

Vacuum-assisted wound closure (also referred to as negative-pressure wound therapy) is now commonly used for the initial treatment of open fracture wounds, despite the fact that there are few data regarding the efficacy of this approach. Stannard et al. randomized sixty-two severe open fractures to treatment with negative-pressure wound therapy or sterile moist saline solution dressings until ultimate closure or coverage7. Overall, 5.4% of patients managed with negative pressure wound therapy developed an infection, compared with 28% of patients in the control group, a finding that was statistically significant and clinically important. Patients managed with negative-pressure wound therapy also had improved outcomes as measured with the Short Form-36 (SF-36).

Diabetes is a recognized risk factor for complications following fracture surgery. Karunakar and Staples recently presented the effects of stress-induced hyperglycemia on the rates of infection in 110 nondiabetic orthopaedic trauma patients8. Overall, 25% of the patients developed an infection, including pneumonia (seventeen patients) and wound infection (eleven patients). Sixty-four percent of patients with a hyperglycemic index of ≥3.0 developed an infection, compared with 21% of patients with a hyperglycemic index of <3.0, indicating that stress-induced hyperglycemia may be an important prognostic factor. Additional work is needed to understand whether the correction of elevated blood sugar in nondiabetic patients reduces the risk of infection.

Infection must be considered in cases of fracture nonunion.In one series of nonunions, a diagnostic protocol including preoperative laboratory tests (white blood-cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level), white blood cell/sulfur colloid scans, and intraoperative frozen sections was followed9. Overall, 31.6% of patients were diagnosed with infection. The white blood cell/sulfur colloid scan was found to have a sensitivity of only 19%. The positive predictive value for infection increased with the addition of each positive laboratory value (white blood-cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein level).When all three values were positive, the positive predictive value for infection was 100%. On the basis of their data, the authors recommended preoperative laboratory studies and intraoperative frozensection analysis for the diagnosis of infection in this high-risk population.

Venous Thromboembolism
Thromboembolic disease is a major source of morbidity in patients with musculoskeletal injury and continues to be the focus of research. Very little data exist regarding the treatment of venous thromboembolism in patients with isolated leg injuries.Goel et al. performed a double-blind randomized trial in which a low-molecular-weight heparin (Dalteparin; Pfizer, New York, NY) was compared with placebo (saline solution injection) in 238 adult patients undergoing operative repair of a fracture distal to the knee10. After fourteen days of treatment, the rate of venographic deep-vein thrombosis was 12.6% in the placebo group, compared with 8.7% in the treatment group; this difference was not significant. All thromboses were distal to the knee, and none required treatment. However, the study was underpowered, and the absolute risk difference of 3.9% would equate to a number-needed-to-treat of twenty-six, which might be clinically relevant. Increased age and the type of fracture also were found to increase the risk of deep-vein thrombosis. There were no bleeding complications in the low-molecular-weight heparin group. A substantial limitation of that study is the fact that the end point of venographically proven but asymptomatic deep-vein thrombosis is also of uncertain clinical relevance, and the patients in the study were all operatively managed within forty-eight hours after the injury. The negative results of that study may not be generalizable to patients who have a longer delay to surgery. Larger studies of the treatment of venous thromboembolism in trauma patients are needed before conclusions can be made.
血栓栓塞性疾病是骨肌损伤患者的重要病源,一直以来都是研究的焦点。目前,关于单独腿部损伤患者静脉血栓栓塞治疗方面的数据很少。Goel等进行一项随机双盲试验,包括238名行手术治疗膝关节远端骨折的成人患者,对比低分子肝素(Dalteparin; Pfizer, New York, NY)和盐水溶液的作用10。治疗后14天,静脉造影显示深静脉血栓者在盐水溶液组占12.6%,低分子肝素组占8.7%,差异并不显著。所有血栓均在膝关节远端,且不需治疗。然而,本研究仍有不足之处,3.9%的绝对风险差异等同于需要治疗的患者人数26名,这可能与临床密切相关。年龄的增加和骨折的类型可增大深静脉血栓的风险。在低分子肝素组无出血的并发症发生。此研究最大的局限性在于以静脉造影术证明血栓形成,但是无症状的深静脉血栓也有不确定的临床相关性,并且所研究的患者均在伤后48小时内进行了手术治疗。此研究的阴性结果可能不适用于延期手术的患者。在得出最终结论前,需要对创伤患者静脉血栓栓塞的治疗进行大量的研究。

Geriatric Fractures
Geriatric patients with fractures present a number of management issues, including the prevention of delirium. A randomized controlled trial demonstrated that, in elderly hip fracture patients managed with propofol, light sedation (bispectral index, >80) was associated with a dramatic reduction in the incidence of delirium as compared with deep sedation (bispectral index, <50)11. Patients in the deep sedation group also experienced delirium for a longer time than did those in the light sedation group.

Two studies addressed the use of iron supplementation for the treatment of postoperative anemia after the fixation of hip fractures. In the first study, patients were randomized to either 200 mg of ferrous sulfate twice daily for four weeks or no therapy12. The authors found no significant difference in hemoglobin levels or change in hemoglobin levels at six weeks and found no differences in ter ms of the length of hospital stay or mortality. Seventeen percent of patients reported minor side effects attributable to iron therapy. In contrast, a smaller randomized trial demonstrated some benefit in association with the use of iron therapy for the correction of postoperative anemia after the fixation of a hip fracture. Patients were randomized to receive 200 mg of ferrous sulfate three times daily for four weeks or no therapy. At four weeks postoperatively, the treated patients had a small but significant increase in hemoglobin levels and a lower reported prevalence of side effects13.Larger trials are needed to definitively establish whether oral iron-replacement therapy is efficacious for correcting postoperative anemia in geriatric patients with a hip fracture.

Many geriatric fractures are related to osteoporosis, but a study of a large insurance database in Korea suggested that the likelihood of further evaluation and treatment of osteoporosis is dependent on the type of fragility fracture that a patient sustains14. The authors analyzed >150,000 fractures in female patients who were more than fifty years old. The overall rate of diagnosis and subsequent treatment of osteoporosis was 19.3%. However, patients with wrist fractures were less likely to be evaluated and managed for osteoporosis as compared with the overall cohort. The authors believed that a “care gap” exists and suggested that further efforts and initiatives should be directed toward improving the evaluation and subsequent treatment of osteoporosis that may be manifested early by a fracture of the wrist.

Pediatric Fractures
Two recent studies presented different views of the controversial issue of the ‘‘pulseless hand’’ associated with pediatric supracondylar humeral fractures. Choi et al. analyzed 1255 consecutive children who had operative treatment of a supracondylar humeral fracture15. In this large group, only thirty-three patients (2.6%) presented with absent distal pulses; twenty-four of them had a pink, perfused hand. None of the twenty-four children with absent distal pulses but a wellperfused hand required vascular intervention. Of these twenty-four patients, thirteen regained a palpable pulse after fracture reduction and the other eleven maintained adequate distal perfusion. Nine other children presented with absent pulses and a poorly perfused hand. Four of these nine patients required vascular intervention, and two developed compartment syndrome. Thirty-two of the thirty-three patients were available for follow-up at a median of eight weeks, and all were noted to have satisfactory perfusion. The second study, by Blakey et al., evaluated the longer-term follow-up for twentysix children who had been referred to their institution with a history of a ‘‘pink pulseless hand’’ associated with a supracondylar humeral fracture16, which is a different patient population than was reported by Choi et al.15. The range of time between the injury and referral was broad (four days to three years). Twenty-three (88%) of the twenty-six patients developed some degree of ischemic contracture. The authors advocated an aggressive approach toward children with a ‘‘pink pulseless hand’’ in order to avoid such complications16. On the surface, these two studies seem contradictory. However, one had short-term follow-up, whereas the other had much longer follow-up, and, most importantly, the two study populations were very different. Additional research is needed to clearly identify whether there is a subset of patients with a “pink pulseless hand” who are at greater risk of long-term morbidity and should potentially be managed with urgent vascular exploration.

Several studies evaluated aspects of pediatric femoral fractures. Basener et al. performed a meta-analysis of sixteen articles (564 children) documenting that growth disturbance after distal femoral physeal fractures is common17 (see the Evidence-Based Orthopaedics section at the end of this article). Keeler et al. presented a series of eighty pediatric femoral fractures in patients with a mean age of 12.9 years who were managed with reaming and statically locked antegrade nailing with use of a lateral trochanteric entry portal18. All fractures healed without evidence of malunion, and no patient had evidence of osteonecrosis or of altered proximal femoral anatomy. The authors concluded that antegrade femoral nailing via a lateral trochanteric portal is safe and effective for children who are more than eight years old. However, the starting point that those authors used was very lateral and fairly distal on the trochanter, increasing risk of deformity.

Proximal Part of the Humerus
Fractures of the proximal part of the humerus continue to be a source of debate, and a particular problem is predicting outcome. A recent study evaluated the ability of the initial shoulder radiographs to predict the outcome of nonoperative treatment of proximal humeral fractures19. In a study of fiftyfive patients with minimally displaced proximal humeral fractures, the authors found a correlation between worse outcome scores (Constant-Murley and Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand [DASH] scores) and changes in angulation during the first week after the injury on the trans-scapular ‘‘Y’’ radiograph but not on the anteroposterior radiograph.Patients with the poorest scores had a mean change in angulation of 30° on the scapular ‘‘Y’’ radiograph, compared with no change for those with the best outcome scores. Although change in angulation is just one of many items to consider, this change can be measured objectively and does appear to be predictive of outcome. Surgeons should take special care to assess changes in angulation on the lateral radiographs.

Locked plating has become commonplace for the treatment of proximal humeral fractures. A number of larger case series were recently published regarding the outcome of locked plating, although comparative studies are still lacking20-22.Taken together, all of these studies emphasize that final outcomes are not achieved for at least one year and that complications occur in one-third of patients, with screw penetration(either at the time of surgery or later), varus collapse, and osteonecrosis being most common20-22. Complications are more frequent in patients who are more than sixty years old and in those with more complex fracture patterns20. In general, varus malunion is associated with poor functional outcomes20.


Traditional fixation of intra-articular distal humeral fractures has relied on fixation with two plates oriented at 90° to one another. Recently, anatomic precontoured plates designed to be placed parallel to each other on the medial and lateral surfaces of the distal part of the humerus have been made available. A comparison of these two methods in a small randomized clinical trial showed no differences in terms of the ranges of elbow flexion and extension, the Mayo Elbow Performance Score, time to union, or complications23. Both methods seem to provide adequate stability, and either method can be used to achieve stable and anatomic reconstruction of the distal part of the humerus.

Complex elbow injuries remain an area of active research.A recent study focused on Mason type-II injuries of the radial head,in which part of the radial head is displaced >2 mm24. The injuries were grouped according to whether or not there was cortical contact between the fractured fragment and the rest of the radius. Overall, 75% of the cases did not have cortical contact, and, of these, 91% were part of a complex elbow fracture pattern with associated fractures and/or ligamentous injury. In contrast, just 33% of the fractures with cortical contact were considered to be part of a complex injury.Therefore, complete loss of cortical contact in radial head fractures should alert the clinician that the radial head fracture may be just one part of a complex injury pattern and that additional evaluation and expert management are needed.
复杂的肘部损伤还有进行积极研究的空间。最近一项研究集中于Mason II型桡骨头损伤,即桡骨头移位>2 mm24。损伤根据骨折块与桡骨是否存在皮质连续性分组,75%的病例不存在连续性骨皮质,这其中91%为合并骨和/或韧带损伤的复杂肘部损伤。与之相对,仅33%的复杂损伤骨皮质存在连续性。因此,完全失去骨皮质连续性的桡骨头骨折应作为对临床医师的警示,桡骨头骨折仅作为复杂损伤的一部分,需要额外的评估和专家进行处置。

Three groups of investigators reported the results of long-term studies of elbow injuries involving the radial head25-27.In one study, good to excellent elbow function was seen in thirteen of sixteen patients who had had internal fixation of a stable Mason type-II radial head fracture between fourteen and thirty years earlier (mean duration of follow-up, twentytwo years)25. However, as the authors themselves pointed out, these long-term results of surgery for the treatment of stable, isolated partial articular radial head fractures were not better than the reported results of nonoperative treatment, and there were major complications of surgery in this series. Another study evaluated the results of radial head resection following a Mason type-II or III radial head fracture; the duration of follow-up ranged from fifteen to thirty-nine years26. No patient had complications or a reoperation, and the clinical result was graded as good or excellent in 92% of cases. The average carrying angle of the elbow was twice that of the contralateral elbow (21° compared with 10°), and a minor amount of radial shortening (average, 3.1 mm) was a typical finding. Radial head resection in young patients with isolated radial head fractures without instability can yield satisfactory long-term results. In the final study, twenty-one patients with a Mason type-IV fracture-dislocation, without a type-II or III coronoid process fracture, were evaluated after a mean duration of follow-up of twenty-one years (range, fourteen to forty-six years)27. All patients underwent closed reduction and had the elbow immobilized for two to six weeks. Eleven patients underwent complete radial head excision, two had partial radial head excision, and two others had an anular ligament repair. At the time of long-term follow-up, only one patient had severe impairment of the elbow, and no patient experienced instability or recurrent dislocation. The authors concluded that most patients who have a Mason type-IV fracture-dislocation of the elbow, without an associated coronoid fracture, have a good long-term outcome.
三组调查者报告了对合并桡骨头骨折的肘部损伤的长期研究结果25-27。在第一项研究中,对16名稳定的MasonII型桡骨头骨折行内固定术后患者随访14~30年(平均22年),其中13名患者肘部功能良好25。然而,正如作者所述,对于部分累及关节的单纯稳定型桡骨头骨折,手术治疗效果与非手术治疗相比,无明显优势,并且本组手术患者合并较严重并发症。另外一项研究评估MasonII型、III型桡骨头骨折行桡骨头切除术患者,随访14~39年26,患者无并发症及二次手术发生,92%的患者临床结果评分良好。平均肘关节提携角是对侧的2倍(21° : 10°),并有轻度桡骨短缩(平均3.1 mm)。单纯稳定型桡骨头骨折青年患者行桡骨头切除术远期临床结果满意。最后一项研究中,评估21名MasonIV型骨折-脱位,无II或III型喙突骨折患者,平均随访21年(范围14~46年)27。所有患者行闭合复位并肘关节制动2~6周。11名患者行完整桡骨头切除,2名患者行部分桡骨头切除,另有2名患者行环状韧带重建。长期随访中,仅有1名患者出现严重的肘部损害,所有患者均无肘部不稳和复发性脱位。作者认为,大多数肘关节MasonIV型骨折-脱位,不合并喙突骨折患者,远期临床结果良好。

Distal Part of the Radius
There is wide variation in the rate of distal radial fracture depending on demographic group, with the highest rates in whites and females28. There is also wide geographic variation in incidence. According to Medicare data, operative intervention for distal radial fractures in the elderly has increased fivefold in the last decade, although nonoperative treatment remains most common29.Treatment modality varies widely across regions within the United States but is not affected by race.

Many options exist for the treatment of distal radial fractures, without much evidence to choose among them.Several studies during the past year compared treatment methods and provided further guidance for surgeons who treat these injuries. In one randomized study of fifty patients, fragment-specific fixation provided better results at the time of the one-year follow-up than did closed reduction and external fixation in terms of grip strength, motion, and the rate of malunion30. However, there were no differences in terms of the DASH score at one year. In another study of patients with unstable fractures, early results as measured with DASH scores were better after volar plating than after closed reduction and pinning31. However, at the time of the one-year follow-up,the differences between groups had disappeared. A third randomized study compared three methods of treatment: external fixation, radial column plating, and volar plating32. In addition to DASH scores, grip and lateral pinch strength were measured. Treatment with a volar plate was associated with improved early outcomes, but there were no differences between groups at later follow-up periods (six months and one year). A final study used decision analysis methodology to show that volar plating was the preferred strategy in most scenarios,but the magnitude of differences was small33. In general, the long-term gains in quality-adjusted life-years outweighed the risk of surgical complications. Older patients who might tolerate a malunion may be better managed nonoperatively.

Spine Trauma
A topic of consistent debate is ‘‘clearance’’ of the spine in a patient with blunt trauma. A meta-analysis of the published literature concluded that an alert, asymptomatic patient without another distracting injury and no neurologic deficit can be cleared without radiographic assessment if he or she can complete a functional neck range-of-motion examination without pain or the elicitation of neurologic signs and symptoms34.Two Level-I diagnostic studies assessed screening tests for spine injury. In the first, the diagnostic accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging findings (as determined by a radiologist) for detecting injury to the posterior ligament complex of the cervical spine was evaluated, with use of intraoperative findings as the diagnostic standard35. The level of agreement between magnetic resonance imaging and intraoperative findings varied between fair (for injury to the ligamentum flavum, facet capsules, and cervical fascia) to moderate (for injury to the supraspinous and interspinous ligaments). In general, magnetic resonance imaging was found to be sensitive for the evaluation of injury, but the positive predictive value and specificity were lower because of “over-reading” of injuries on magnetic resonance imaging. Using magnetic resonance imaging findings alone as a guide to treatment could lead to unnecessary surgery, and other factors should be part of the decision-making process. Another study tested the reliability of nonreconstructed computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis as a screening tool for thoracolumbar spine injuries in blunt trauma patients with altered mental status36. Such patients were studied with a protocol that included standard anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the thoracolumbar spine in addition to standard 5-mm computed tomography slices of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis and ≤2-mm reconstructed slices dedicated to the spine. Compared with the dedicated computed tomography reconstructions, nonreconstructed 5-mm computed tomography slices had a sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 85% for the detection of all fractures, which was much greater than those of radiographs (37% and 76%, respectively). None of the fractures that were missed on nonreconstructed computed tomography examination required surgery or other intervention, and the authors concluded that computed tomography reconstructions do not need to be routinely performed in this setting unless further clarification is needed for an abnormality that has already been detected.
关于脊柱钝性创伤患者讨论的一贯性主题是 “损伤排除率”问题。一篇应用meta分析的已发表文献认为,如果患者能够完成颈部功能运动范围检查,无疼痛或未引出神经阳性体征和症状,动作灵活、无症状、不伴随其它损伤且无神经损伤症状可不需要影像学检查排除34。两项I级诊断研究评估了脊柱损伤筛选试验。第一项研究中,评估MRI影像表现(由放射科专家确定)对诊断颈椎后方韧带复合体损伤的准确性,以术中发现作为诊断标准35。MRI和术中发现的一致性水准在尚可(黄韧带、关节囊、颈筋膜损伤)和中等(棘上韧带、棘间韧带损伤)之间不同。一般而言,MRI对损伤的评价较为敏感,但是由于损伤在MRI上往往表现过重,导致阳性预测值和特异性较低。仅应用MRI表现来指导临床治疗可能导致对患者实行不必要的手术,其他因素必须作为决策制定过程的一部分。另一项研究测试非重建CT作为伴有意识改变的胸腰椎钝性损伤患者筛查工具的可靠性36。这些患者的研究方案包括标准前后位,侧位X线平片,以标准的5-mmCT层面扫描胸部、腹部和骨盆,并以≤2-mm层面进行脊柱重建。与CT重建相比,5-mm层面的非重建CT对所有骨折检测的敏感度为89%,特异性为85%,远优于X线平片(各自为37%和76%)。非重建CT对需要手术和其它治疗的骨折无一例漏诊。作者认为,此类病例不需要把CT重建作为常规检查,除非对已检查到的异常表现需要进一步的明确。

A randomized clinical trial of seventy-three patients with thoracolumbar burst fractures undergoing posterior shortsegment fixation with or without fusion demonstrated no differences in terms of clinical or radiographic outcomes, although two-thirds of the fusion patients had donor-site pain from the bone graft at the time of the latest follow-up37.

Pelvic and Acetabular Fractures
The effect of pelvic fracture on patient mortality was analyzed in a review of >63,000 patients from two level-I trauma centers38. Pelvic fracture was significantly associated with mortality, with odds ratios for mortality of 2.4 and 2.0 at the two centers. These odds ratios were equivalent to the mortality odds ratio associated with an abdominal injury but were less than the odds ratios associated with hemodynamic shock, severe head injury, and advanced age. When analyzed in combination with the other aforementioned risk factors for mortality, pelvic fracture was independently associated with mortality with the exception of a patient in hemodynamic shock with a severe head injury.While pelvic fracture is associated with mortality, it is only one factor to be considered in the overall care of the polytraumatized patient38.

Two highlight papers from the OTA annual meeting reviewed the treatment of lateral compression injuries of the pelvis. Sembler et al. presented a series of 120 patients with unilateral lateral compression fractures of the sacrum that were impacted and minimally displaced (<10mm)39. All patients were immediately mobilized, were allowed weight- bearing as tolerated, and were followed radiographically until healing had occurred. Only one patient had a failure of nonoperative treatment, with 5 mm of additional sacral displacement associated with severe pain. The remaining 119 patients had uneventful healing with minimal further displacement. Nonoperative treatment, including early weight-bearing, is appropriate for impacted unilateral lateral compression-type sacral fractures39. Another presentation reviewed 117 patients from two level-I trauma centers who had sacral fractures resulting from high-energy trauma40. These sacral fractures were part of a lateral compression pelvic ring injury and were initially displaced <5 mm. Patients were also managed nonoperatively with weight-bearing as determined by the treating physician. In contrast to the first series, twenty-three of 117 fractures had further displacement (>5 mm) at the time of healing. It was noted that a complete sacral fracture, typified by a visible fracture line in the posterior cortex of the sacrum, was associated with displacement 50% of the time. A complete sacral fracture combined with bilateral superior and inferior rami fractures was associated with displacement 68% of the time. An incomplete sacral fracture with no rami fractures or unilateral ramus fracture did not displace. The results of these studies highlight the importance of careful analysis of the fracture pattern and patient characteristics prior to allowing immediate weight-bearing after lateral compression sacral fractures. Further research is needed to define functionally relevant residual sacral displacement to determine what role operative treatment has, if any, in certain lateral compression sacral fractures.
2篇来自OTA年会的重要论文回顾了侧方挤压型骨盆损伤的治疗。Sembler等研报道了一系列120名伴轻微移位(<10mm)侧方挤压型骶骨压缩性骨折患者39。所有患者伤愈前可即时活动、允许可耐受的负重并行X线检查。只有1名患者非手术治疗失败,其严重的疼痛与骶骨移位增加5mm相关。其余119名患者愈合良好,伴极轻微移位。包括早期负重的非手术治疗,适用于单侧挤压型骶骨压缩骨折39。另外一项报告回顾了来自2家I级创伤中心的117名高能创伤造成的骶骨骨折患者40。这些骶骨骨折为骨盆环侧方挤压伤,初始移位<5 mm。治疗医师决定对这些患者实行包括负重训练的非手术治疗。与前一系列患者对比,117名患者中有23名在骨折愈合时移位>5 mm。以骶骨后方皮质出现明显骨折线为象征的完全性骶骨骨折,骨折移位发生率为50%。完全性骶骨骨折合并双侧上下耻坐骨支骨折,骨折移位发生率为为68%。不完全性骶骨骨折不伴有耻坐骨支或单侧耻坐骨支骨折则无骨折移位。这些研究结果强调了仔细分析骨折类型和单侧挤压型骶骨骨折允许负重前患者特征的重要性。阐明与功能相关的骶骨残留移位以确定手术治疗在侧方挤压型骶骨骨折中的作用需要进一步研究。

The treatment of the geriatric acetabular fracture is controversial. In one surgeon’s experience, the proportion of these fractures occurring in patients more than sixty years of age increased 2.4 times when the period from 1980 to 1993(10% of cases) was compared with the period from 1993 to 2007 (24% of cases)41. Involvement of the anterior column is more frequent among older patients, who are also more likely to have separate quadrilateral plate fragments, roof impaction in association with anterior fractures, and both comminution and marginal impaction in association with posterior fractures41. These factors make internal fixation of acetabular fractures more problematic in the elderly. A review of patients with an age of more than sixty-five years who underwent treatment of acetabular fractures demonstrated a one-year mortality of 25%42. Of the surviving patients, 85% had been managed operatively, most with formal open reduction and internal fixation. Twenty-eight percent of the living patients had undergone eventual total hip replacement at an average of 2.5 years later. The patients who had open reduction and internal fixation had Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index(WOMAC) and SF-8 scores similar to population norms, although many had reported mild functional problems and some level of hip pain. A third study examined the results of a retrospective case series of patients (average age, seventy-two years) who were managed with combined open reduction and internal fixation and primary total hip arthroplasty43. Among the eighteen patients with at least one year of follow-up, there was only one acetabular failure requiring revision surgery, three weeks after the index procedure. At the time of the latest follow-up, the mean Harris hip score was 88 and radiographs showed minimal medial and vertical displacement of the cup, with no evidence of acetabular loosening. In appropriate patients, surgeons who are experienced in both techniques of internal fixation of the pelvis and arthroplasty can safely perform combined open reduction and internal fixation and total hip arthroplasty with minimal complications and can potentially avoid the need for a second procedure.
老年髋臼骨折患者的治疗存在争议。以一名外科医师的经验,髋臼骨折在65岁以上患者中的发病率在1993~2007间(24%)较之1980~1993间(10%)增长了2.4倍41。老年患者中累计前柱更为常见,游离的四边形骨折块、髋臼顶压缩与前柱损伤有关;粉碎性和边缘嵌插折与后柱损伤有关41。这些因素使老年髋臼骨折患者的内固定治疗充满争议。一篇综述证实,年龄≥65岁的髋臼骨折患者,接受治疗后,1年死亡率为25%42。幸存的患者中85%行手术治疗,大多数行切开复位内固定术。28%的生存患者平均2.5年后行全髋关节置换术。尽管许多研究报告了轻微功能问题和一定程度的髋部疼痛,这些行切开复位内固定的患者的Western Ontario and McMaster大学骨关节炎指数(WOMAC)和SF-8评分与常人标准类似。第三项研究验证切开复位内固定合并全髋关节成形术病例的回顾性结果,患者平均年龄72岁43。18名患者随访至少1年,仅一名患者术后3周髋臼假体失败需要翻修手术。末次随访时,Harris髋部评分为88分,X线片显示髋臼杯轻微的向内垂直移位,无证据显示髋臼假体松动。对于适合的患者,对骨盆内固定和关节成形术技术有经验的医师能够安全地进行切开复位内固定和全髋关节成形术,且并发症轻微,能够避免二次手术。

Fractures of the Proximal Part of the Femur
Fractures of the proximal part of the femur impose an extremely large societal burden, and many studies have been presented or published in the past year that contribute to our overall understanding of the care of these complicated injuries.A recent meta-analysis in the Annals of Internal Medicine examined the mortality after hip fracture in >700,000 patients44. The relative risk of death from all causes in the first three months after hip fracture was 5.75 for women and 7.95 for men. The relative risk of death decreased dramatically over the first two years but continued to be elevated compared with age and sex-matched controls at ten years. Men continued to have a higher relative risk of mortality over time compared with women. A retrospective study of 97,894 patients in the Nationwide Inpatient Sample analyzed the effect of surgeon and hospital volume on morbidity and mortality after hip fracture45. The adjusted odds ratio for mortality for a low-volume surgeon (fewer than seven procedures per year) relative to a high-volume surgeon (more than fifteen procedures per year) was 1.24. A significant difference in mortality between low and high-volume hospitals was not found. Differences in morbidity were found between low and high-volume surgeons, with increased rates of pneumonia, decubitus ulceration, and transfusion requirements associated with low-volume surgeons. Similarly, increased rates of pneumonia, postoperative infection, and transfusion requirements were associated with low-volume hospitals.

The treatment of proximal femoral fractures, especially those of the femoral neck, remains a source of controversy, especially with regard to the role of primary arthroplasty. Recently, the ten-year follow-up results of a previously reported randomized trial comparing arthroplasty with internal fixation for the treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures were published46. Overall, 45.6% of the surviving patients who were managed with internal fixation had a failure of fracture treatment, but only four of ninety-two failures occurred between two and ten years. In comparison, 8.8% of the patients who were managed with arthroplasty had a failure of treatment, and five of seven failures occurred between two and ten years. These late failures in the arthroplasty group were in patients who had undergone total hip arthroplasty. Only 5.2% of the initial patients who were managed with arthroplasty experienced recurrent dislocation, with relatively equal numbers occurring after total hip arthroplasty and hemiarthroplasty.The mortality rate was the same for the arthroplasty and internal fixation groups at ten years, and no significant differences were noted between the groups with regard to hip pain when walking or with regard to reduced mobility secondary to hip symptoms.

Gjertsen et al. reviewed 4335 elderly patients from the Norwegian Hip Fracture Register who had a displaced femoral neck fracture and who had been managed with internal fixation or bipolar hemiarthroplasty and followed for a minimum of one year47. Mortality at one year was not significantly different between the internal fixation and hemiarthroplasty groups (27% compared with 25%). The reoperation rate was 22.6% for patients managed with internal fixation, compared with 2.9% for patients managed with hemiarthroplasty. Patients who had undergone hemiarthroplasty had better functional outcomes at one year as measured on the EQ-5D index score. These data further support hemiarthroplasty as being superior to internal fixation for the treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures in this patient population.
Gjertsen等回顾来自挪威髋部骨折登记系统数据的4335名行内固定术或半髋关节成形术治疗的移位型股骨颈骨折老年患者,术后随访至少1年47。内固定组与半关节成形术组1年死亡率无显著差异(27% : 25%)。内固定组二次手术率为22.6%,半关节成形术组二次手术率为2.9%。以EQ-5D指数评分评价患者功能结果,1年随访时,半关节成形术组更为良好。这些数据进一步支持对于移位型股骨颈骨折老年患者的治疗,半关节成形术优于内固定术。

Two recent randomized trials compared hemiarthroplasty with or without cement for the treatment of femoral neck fracture. The first study randomized 400 patients to treatment with either a cemented (Thompson) or uncemented(Austin-Moore) stem48. Overall, patients who had a hemiarthroplasty with cement had less pain on the visual analog scale at eight weeks and a lower Charnley pain score at three, six, twelve, and twenty-four months. Patients who had a hemiarthroplasty with cement also did not experience as great a loss of mobility in comparison with patients who had undergone a hemiarthroplasty without cement. The second study, which included 223 patients, demonstrated very different results in association with the use of a more modern uncemented stem with a hydroxyapatite coating (Corail; DePuy)49. The Harris hip score was not found to be different between the group with the uncemented stem and the group with the cemented stem (SPECTRON; Smith & Nephew) at three and twelve months of follow-up. There also were no differences in terms of functional outcomes as measured with the EQ-5D index score at three and twelve months. The uncemented Austin-Moore stem should have little use in modern hip hemiarthroplasty, with its main application being as a “quick” endoprosthesis in a patient with minimal functional demands but in need of pain control. A study of hemiarthroplasty after hip fracture did not demonstrate significant differences in terms of blood loss, transfusion requirements, or seventy-two-hour postoperative hemoglobin levels between standard and minimally invasive approaches50. Better functional results were documented at two years postoperatively in patients managed with a standard approach.
近期有两项随机试验对比了半关节成形术治疗股骨颈骨折中使用或不使用骨水泥的效果。第一项研究包括随机应用骨水泥假体(Thompson)或非骨水泥假体(Austin-Moore)的400名患者48。总的来说,使用骨水泥的半关节成形术患者在第8周以目测类比评分法评价,疼痛较轻,Charnley疼痛评分在第3、6、12、24月较低。 与未使用骨水泥的半关节成形术患者相比,使用骨水泥的患者无严重关节活动度丢失。第二项研究包括223名患者,证实应用更现代的羟基磷石灰涂层非骨水泥假体(Corail; DePuy)临床结果显著不同49。Harris髋部评分在非骨水泥假体组与骨水泥假体(SPECTRON; Smith & Nephew)组在随访3月和12月时无差异。以EQ-5D指数评分评价的功能结果在3月、12月亦无差异。Austin-Moore非骨水泥假体在现代髋部半关节成形术中较少使用,主要应用于功能要求较低、需要控制疼痛要求“尽快”置换的患者。一项髋部骨折行半关节成形术的研究未证实标准入路与微创入路在失血量、输血需求或术后72小时血红蛋白水平方面存在显著差异50。标准手术入路患者术后2年功能结果良好。

Extracapsular fractures also have been a source of controversy, primarily related to the expanding role of cephalomedullary nails instead of sliding hip screws. Proponents of nailing techniques highlight the minimally invasive nature and improved biomechanical characteristics of nails. Proponents of sliding hip screws point out their familiar technique and their lower cost. A meta-analysis compared several minimally invasive approaches (intramedullary nailing, percutaneous plating, minimally invasive sliding hip screw placement, and external fixation) to traditional insertion of a sliding hip screw51. No significant differences were found between groups in terms of the rates of fixation failure or mortality. Although the relative risk of blood transfusion was lower in the combined minimally invasive group, the relative risk of blood transfusion associated with intramedullary nailing alone (four studies) was not significantly different from that associated with the standard sliding hip screw. A small randomized controlled trial comparing sliding hip screw placement via a minimally invasive technique (length of incision, 2.5 cm) with a standard incision (length of incision, 10 to 15 cm) was recently published52. Patients in the minimally invasive group had decreased blood loss and a decreased transfusion rate, with less pain and improved physical functioning on the third postoperative day. No differences were seen in terms of radiographic outcomes or functional scores at three months.

A meta-analysis of Gamma nails compared with compression hip screws emphasized the decreasing rates of femoral fracture that have occurred with time, likely because of improvements in patient selection, surgical techniques, and the implants themselves53.
一项对比γ钉和髋部压力螺钉的meta分析强调,可能由于患者选择、外科技术和 植入物本身的改进,术后股骨干骨折发生率逐渐降低53

Other Femoral Fractures
Cannada et al. reported on a large series of high-energy femoral neck-shaft fractures54. In that study of 2897 patients with a femoral shaft fracture, the overall prevalence of associated femoral neck fracture was 3.2%; 88% of patients had injuries to another body system and 75% had other orthopaedic injuries.One-fourth of the femoral neck fractures were not identified preoperatively. Missed injuries occurred in 18% of the patients who had thin-cut computed tomography scans. Nonunion or malunion occurred in association with 12.1% of femoral neck fractures, and half of these cases were in patients who were diagnosed late. A high degree of vigilance is required to diagnose a femoral neck fracture, and even thin-cut computed tomography is not sufficient to make the diagnosis by itself in every case54.

In another study involving 1126 femoral shaft fractures that were treated with intramedullary nailing, forty-six patients with femoral nonunions (4% of the total number of cases) were compared with a matched control group of ninety-two patients with healed femoral fractures55. Open fracture and tobacco use were found to be predictive of nonunion. Interestingly,72% of patients who developed nonunions of femoral fractures had delayed weight-bearing as a consequence of other injuries. On the basis of the results of this study, the authors reported that they have become more aggressive with early weight-bearing whenever possible after intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures.

Controversy still exists among surgeons with regard to the relative benefits of antegrade versus retrograde nailing of the femur. A recent randomized study evaluated knee function after antegrade and retrograde femoral nailing56. No differences in knee flexion (132° and 134° in the antegrade and retrograde groups, respectively), Lysholm scores, or isokinetic muscle performance were noted between the groups. Older patients also tended to have lower Lysholm scores and decreased knee flexion compared with younger patients, irrespective of treatment.

Unlike femoral shaft fractures, there has been little controversy regarding distal femoral fractures, for which locking plates seem to have been widely adopted. Ricci et al. analyzed the risk factors associated with failure of locked plating for the treatment of distal femoral fractures in a study of 305 patients57. Overall, 9% of patients developed a nonunion, whereas another 6% required a planned staged bone-grafting procedure. A history of diabetes mellitus was the only independent predictor of nonunion. Implant failures occurred in 8% of cases; 60% of failures occurred in the proximal fragment. Independent predictors of implant failure included diabetes, an OTA A3 fracture pattern, body mass index, a stainless steel plate, and a shorter plate length. Proximal implant failure was less likely when plate length was ten holes or longer, when eight holes or more covered the proximal diaphyseal fragment, when more proximal screws were utilized, and when the screw density (percentage of screw holes filled) was <60% in the proximal portion of the plate57. These data provide useful guidelines for surgeons using locked plates in the distal part of the femur.
与股骨干骨折不同,关于股骨远端骨折的争议较少,锁定钢板看似已被广泛采用。Ricci等在一项包括305名患者的研究中分析了与锁定钢板治疗股骨远端骨折相关的风险因素57。总的来说,9%的患者发生骨不连,而另外6%患者需要有计划的分阶段植骨。糖尿病史是骨不连唯一独立预测因子。8%的病例植入物失败,60%发生在近端骨折部分。植入物失败独立预测因子包括糖尿病史、OTA A3型骨折、人体质量指数、不锈钢板和钢板长度过短。当钢板长度为10孔或以上时、骨折近端骨干覆盖钢板达8孔或以上长度时、近端使用更多螺钉时、钢板近端部分螺钉密度(螺钉数占螺钉孔数的百分比) <60%时,近端植入物失败很少发生57。这些数据对外科医师应用股骨远端锁定钢板提供了有用的指导。


大江 发表于:2010-10-7 17:11:04
Tibia and Tibial Plateau
Several recent studies evaluated compartment syndrome associated with tibial fractures. Park et al. reviewed all of the tibial fractures that were treated over a thirty-four-month period at a single level-I trauma center58. The authors determined the rate of compartment syndrome on the basis of anatomic location. Tibial shaft fractures were associated with the highest rate of compartment syndrome (8.1%), followed by proximal tibial fractures (1.6%). "Decreasing age" was the only factor that was found to independently predict compartment syndrome. However, others have reported much higher rates of compartment syndrome in association with proximal tibial fractures59. Stark et al. retrospectively reviewed sixty-seven bicondylar tibial plateau fractures and seventeen medial condylar fracture-dislocations that were all treated with initial application of a spanning external fixator within the first fortyeight hours59. The overall rate of compartment syndrome was 27%: the rate was 53% (nine of seventeen) in patients with medial condylar fracture-dislocations and 18% (nine of fifty) in patients with bicondylar tibial plateau fractures. Of the nine patients with medial condylar fracture-dislocations who developed compartment syndrome, six (67%) developed compartment syndrome after the application of an external fixator. Another study highlighted the apparent variation in the diagnosis of compartment syndrome in patients with tibial fractures60. Among 386 tibial shaft fractures that were treated by seven orthopaedic surgeons with similar training, compartment syndrome was diagnosed in 10.4% of the cases. However, the rate of diagnosis of compartment syndrome varied widely by surgeon, ranging from 2% to 24%. This variation in diagnosis also may help to explain the large differences in the rate of compartment syndrome found throughout the literature.The authors also found that male sex was an independent predictor of compartment syndrome.
最近若干研究评估了与胫骨骨折相关的骨筋膜室综合症。Park等回顾了一家单独I级创伤中心胫骨骨折治疗超过34月的全部病例58。作者确定了基于解剖位置的骨筋膜室综合症发病率。胫骨干骨折导致骨筋膜室综合症发生率最高(8.1%),胫骨近端骨折次之(1.6%)。“年龄递减”是单独预示骨筋膜室综合症的唯一因素。然而,其他人报告称,胫骨近端骨折引起骨筋膜室综合症发生率更高59。Stark等回顾了67例胫骨平台双髁骨折和17例内侧髁骨折-脱位病例,所有患者均于伤后48小时内行外固定架治疗59。骨筋膜室综合症发生率为27%:53%(9/17)为内侧髁骨折-脱位;18%(9/50)为胫骨平台双髁骨折。9名内侧髁骨折-脱位合并骨筋膜室综合症患者中,6名(67%)发生在外固定架治疗后。另一项研究突出强调在胫骨骨折患者中诊断骨筋膜室综合症方面的明显不同60。7名受过相似训练的骨科医师治疗386名胫骨干骨折,10.4%的患者诊断为骨筋膜室综合症。然而,外科医师对骨筋膜室综合症的诊断率差异较大,范围在2% ~24%。这些诊断上的差异可能有助于解释文献中骨筋膜室综合症发生率的不同。作者发现患者为男性是骨筋膜室综合症一项独立预测因素。

A new assessment tool for the evaluation of tibial fracture-healing was recently introduced61. The Radiographic Union Score for Tibial Fractures (RUST) is a scoring system that is based on radiographs and is designed to standardize the assessment of tibial fracture-healing. The scoring is based on the presence or absence of a fracture line as well as the presence or absence of callus and, if present, whether the callus is bridging. Each of the four cortices is assessed independently, and a total score is then calculated on the basis of the sum of the scores for each cortex. Intraobserver and interobserver reliability were found to be "substantial" (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.88 and 0.86, respectively). Pending further evaluation, the RUST score may ultimately help to standardize clinical treatment as well as orthopaedic research.

A recent retrospective study compared the efficacy of intramedullary nailing and percutaneous locked plating for the treatment of extra-articular proximal tibial fractures62. The two groups were slightly different, with a greater proportion of open fractures in the nailing group than in the plating group(55% compared with 35%). There was a trend (p = 0.10) toward higher union rate after the index procedure in the plating group as compared with the nailing group (94% compared with 77%). Although this difference would be of clinical importance if true, the difference in union rates could not be "proved" because of the small number of patients.Interestingly, all closed fractures in both groups healed after the index procedure. Apex anterior malalignment of >5° was found after 36% of the nailing procedures, although additional fracture-reduction techniques (such as blocking screws) were commonly utilized, indicating that malreduction continues to be a complication of nailing of proximal tibial fractures.In contrast, apex anterior malalignment was present after 15% of the plating procedures. There was a higher rate of symptomatic implant removal in the plating group than in the nailing group (15% compared with 5%), but this difference also did not reach significance because of the small number of patients. Although the authors concluded, on the basis of their data, that no overwhelming advantage exists for either nailing or plating for the treatment of extra-articular proximal tibial fractures, they did highlight a number of potentially important clinical differences that require validation in prospective trials that are under way.
最近一项回顾性研究对比髓内针和经皮锁定钢板治疗关节外胫骨近端骨折的有效性62。两组结果存在轻微差异,髓内针组较锁定钢板组开放性骨折所占比率更大(55% : 35%)。锁定钢板组较之髓内针组(94% : 77%)术后骨不连发生率更高(p = 0.10)。尽管这些差异(如果真实)有重要的临床意义,但是由于患者样本小,骨不连发生率的差异不能被证明。尽管另外的骨折复位技术(比如锁定螺钉)常规应用,36%的患者髓内针术后发现顶点前方力线不稳>5°,表明复位不良继续成为髓内针治疗胫骨近端骨折的并发症之一。与之相对,锁定钢板术后顶点前方力线不稳占15%。有症状的植入物移位发生率锁定钢板组较髓内针组更高(15% : 5%),但由于患者样本较小,这种差异并不显著。尽管作者基于他们的数据得出结论,在治疗关节外胫骨近端骨折方面髓内针和锁定钢板均无巨大的优势,他们也强调大量潜在的重要临床差异需要前瞻性试验验证,并已着手进行。

The Lauge-Hansen classification represents the standard nomenclature describing ankle fractures and has been the subject of much recent work attempting to determine whether its mechanistic descriptions actually produce the expected injuries. In one study, twenty-three fresh-frozen cadavers were tested with the foot in a position of pronation63. One group had a pure external rotation force applied, whereas the other group had a combined external rotation-abduction force applied.Short oblique fractures of the distal part of the fibula, typically described as supination-external rotation injuries, were seen in both groups. The classic pronation-external rotation fracture, a proximal fibular fracture occurring after a medial-sided injury, occurred only after the addition of an abduction force.The authors concluded that fractures that are typically described as supination- external rotation injuries could be produced with the foot in the pronated position and that the abduction moment may be an important factor in determining the fracture pattern63. A study presented at the 2009 OTA Annual Meeting utilized video clips of ankle injuries publicly available on the Internet (youtube.com) to analyze the accuracy of the Lauge-Hansen classification system for predicting the actual mechanism of injury64. The authors determined the position of the foot and the deforming force from the injury video and compared the documented mechanism of injury with the resultant radiographic fracture pattern. While video clips judged to show supination-adduction injuries corresponded to supination-adduction radiographic patterns 100% of the time (five of five), video clips judged to show pronation-external rotation corresponded to the classic pronation-external rotation radiographic pattern only 50% of the time (three of six).
Lauge-Hansen分类法代表了描述踝部骨折的标准命名法,最近许多研究将其作为主题,试图确定是否会在实际中发生其机械性描述所预期的损伤。在一项研究中,23具新鲜冷冻尸体在足旋前位置下进行测试63。一组单纯施以外旋力,而另一组施以外旋-外展力。在两组均出现腓骨远端短的斜行折,典型描述为旋后-外旋性损伤。典型的旋前-外旋骨折即腓骨近端骨折发生在内踝损伤之后,并且仅在外展力作用下发生。作者认为,典型描述为旋后-外旋性损伤的骨折在足旋前位时发生,瞬间外展力可能是决定骨折类型的重要因素63。一项在2009 OTA年会上提出的研究利用在互联网(youtube.com)可用的踝部损伤视频剪辑分析Lauge-Hansen分类系统预测实际损伤机制的准确性64。作者从损伤视频确定足的位置和变形力,对比记录的损伤机制与结合影像学的骨折类型。当视频剪辑显示为旋后-内收型损伤,与旋后-内收影像学类型100%相符(5/5),当视频剪辑显示为旋前-外旋性损伤,与标准的旋前-外旋影像学类型仅50%相符(3/6)。

In recent years, the posterior malleolus has received more attention. One study assessed the reliability of radiographs to adequately evaluate trimalleolar ankle fractures65. Twenty-two patients with trimalleolar ankle fractures were reviewed by eight experienced orthopaedic traumatologists. Intraobserver reproducibility, interobserver reliability, and accuracy were considered to be "good" only when considering the size of the posterolateral fragment. Other characteristics of the fracture, including extension of the fracture line into the posteromedial corner of the plafond, the presence of loose osteochondral fragments, and the presence of impaction, failed to display reproducibility and reliability and also lacked accuracy when compared with the computed tomography scan. The authors advocated routine preoperative computed tomography scanning for all trimalleolar ankle fractures, although no data were presented to indicate that the routine use of computed tomography would improve outcomes.

Two studies addressed the short and long-term outcomes of ankle fractures. A study of 57,183 patients who were managed in California outlined the complication rates associated with the surgical treatment of ankle fractures66. Short-term complications, defined as readmission within ninety days after surgery, were highest for patients with complicated diabetes and peripheral vascular disease. Patients with complicated diabetes had an increased risk of wound infections (7.71%) and revision open reduction and internal fixation (4.43%) in the first ninety days. The same study also demonstrated that patients with a trimalleolar ankle fracture had an odds ratio of 2.07 for requiring an ankle fusion or replacement within five years as compared with patients with isolated lateral malleolar fractures. Hospital volume did not appear to be predictive of short or long-term complications. A Swiss study compared long-term outcomes after operative treatment of supination-external rotation type-IV ankle fractures with a medial malleolar fracture and supination-external rotation type-IV ankle fractures with an intact medial malleolus and a partially or completely torn deltoid ligament67. After a mean duration of follow-up of thirteen years, patients with a supination-external rotation type-IV ankle fracture with a partially or completely torn deltoid ligament did better functionally than those with a medial malleolar fracture.
两项研究关注踝部骨折的短期和长期临床结果。一项包括在California治疗的57183名患者的研究描述了与踝部骨折手术治疗相关的并发症发生率66。短期并发症确定为术后90天内再次入院,在复杂型糖尿病和周围血管疾病患者中最高发。在最初90天,复杂型糖尿病患者增加了伤口感染 (7.71%)和切开复位内固定翻修(4.43%)的风险。同样的研究证实,三踝骨折与单纯外踝骨折相比,术后5年踝关节融合或置换优势比为2.07。医院规模不能成为短期或长期临床结果的预测因子。一项瑞士的研究对比了旋后-外旋IV型踝部骨折合并内踝骨折患者与内踝正常的旋后-外旋IV型踝部骨折合并部分或完全三角韧带撕裂患者的长期临床结果67,平均随访13年,旋后-外旋IV型踝部骨折合并部分或完全三角韧带撕裂患者功能结果优于合并内踝骨折患者。

The treatment of ankle syndesmosis injuries continues to be a source of debate, and several studies on this topic were presented or published in the past year. A retrospective study of 347 ankle fractures revealed that patients who required syndesmotic fixation had worse outcomes on the Short Musculoskeletal Function Assessment (SMFA) Dysfunction Index and American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score at both six months and one year as compared with patients with ankle fractures not requiring syndesmotic stabilization68. A study presented at the 2009 OTA meeting analyzed the functional consequences of syndesmotic malreduction69. Sixty-eight patients who had undergone syndesmotic stabilization more than two years previously underwent clinical assessment and bilateral computed tomography of the ankle. Overall, 39.1% of syndesmotic injuries were found to be malreduced. The patients with malreduced syndesmotic injuries scored significantly lower on both the SMFA and Olerud and Molander questionnaires. On the basis of these data, the authors recommended direct visualization of the syndesmosis, although they offered no evidence that such an approach would have a different outcome. In another study, the syndesmosis was directly visualized and reduced in all cases, although stabilization was performed in several ways (open reduction and internal fixation of a posterior malleolar fragment, locking syndesmotic screw fixation, or combination of the two)70. The authors compared their radiographic results with those for a historic control group of patients from the same institution who had had fluoroscopic assessment of reduction and found significant radiographic improvement (malreduction rate,16% compared with 52%)70.
踝部韧带联合损伤继续成为讨论的根源,在过去一年,关于此主题已提出或发表诸多研究。一项包括347名踝部骨折患者的研究显示,需要联合韧带固定的患者,术后6月和1年在短期骨肌肉功能评估(SMFA)功能障碍指数和美国足踝骨科协会(AOFAS)评分结果方面,与不需要稳定韧带联合的患者相比较差68。在2009 OTA会议提出的一项研究分析了韧带联合复位不良导致的功能结果69。68名之前接受踝关节临床评估和双向CT扫描的患者,超过2年后,韧带联合仍稳定。总的来说,39.1%的韧带联合损伤后复位不良。韧带联合损伤复位不良患者在SMFA、Olerud和Molander问卷评分方面现显著降低。基于这些数据,作者建议术中直接显露韧带联合,尽管未提供此种方式引起不同结果的证据。另外一项研究中,在所有病例中均直接显露韧带联合并复位,尽管可以通过多种方式(后踝骨折块切开复位内固定,韧带联合锁定螺钉固定,或二种术式联合)稳定韧带联合70。作者将影像学结果与同一机构的既往在X线透视下复位评估的患者作为对照组相对比,发现影像学结果显著改善(复位不良发生率16% : 52%)70。

Much debate continues about the management of screws that are used to stabilize the syndesmosis. Miller et al. reported the necessity of removing locked syndesmotic screws in a series of twenty-five patients who had undergone stabilization of a syndesmotic injury with two locking quadricortical screws through a locking third tubular plate71. The syndesmotic implant was routinely removed at four months, and patients experienced immediate improvement in the objective range of motion and improvement in functional scores71. Two other studies, involving the use of traditional cortical screws, did not support the routine removal of all syndesmotic screws. In a retrospective review, patients with a "broken" syndesmotic screw had higher AOFAS scores than patients with an "intact" syndesmotic screw after a mean duration of follow-up of thirty months72. In that study, 3.5-mm screws were used, but the number of screws and the number of cortices purchased varied, and loose screws were included in the "intact" syndesmotic screw group. In another retrospective study, the outcomes for patients with loose screws or broken screws were compared with those for patients whose screws were intact and patients whose screws had been removed73. A variety of screw configurations were used, which limits the interpretation of the results.In general, functional scores were lower for patients who had intact screws as compared with those who had loose or broken screws or who had undergone screw removal. The authors concluded that while their data did not support the routine removal of loose or broken screws, there may be a role for the removal of intact syndesmotic screws. Finally, a follow-up study of a previously reported randomized clinical trial comparing quadricortical with tricortical syndesmotic fixation was published74. Forty-eight of the original sixty-four patients were evaluated after an average duration of follow-up of 8.4 years. The patients had syndesmosis stabilization with either a single 4.5-mm quadricortical screw or two 3.5-mm tricortical screws. At the time of follow-up, no differences were detected in functional scores between the two groups. Interestingly, patients who had a difference in syndesmotic width of ≥1.5mm(signifying a malreduction or loss of initial reduction) on computed tomography as compared with the contralateral ankle tended to have worse functional outcomes on the modified AOFAS score (p = 0.056). Interpretation of these studies is difficult as different screw sizes, numbers, and modes of fixation were used.
关于应用螺钉稳定韧带联合方面存在诸多争论。Miller等报告了一系列25名应用2枚锁定螺钉和1/3管状锁定板经四层皮质固定以稳定韧带联合损伤的患者,认为有必要取出韧带联合锁定螺钉71。韧带联合植入物常规于术后4个月取出,患者在客观运动范围和功能评分方面可即时获得改善71。另外两项研究,包括使用传统皮质骨螺钉,不支持常规取出所有韧带联合螺钉。一篇回顾性综述称,平均随访30月后,韧带联合螺钉断裂的患者AOFAS评分高于韧带联合螺钉完整的患者72。在研究中,使用3.5mm螺钉,但螺钉数目和皮质层数各异,螺钉松动亦包括在螺钉完整组内。另一项回顾性研究中,对比螺钉松动或断裂患者与螺钉完整或螺钉已取出患者临床结果73。多种形态螺钉的使用,限制了结果的阐明。通常,螺钉完整患者功能评分低于螺钉松动、断裂或已取出患者。作者认为,他们的数据并不支持常规取出松动或断裂的螺钉,这也许在决定是否取出完整的韧带联合螺钉方面有一定作用。最后,一项对先前报道的对比4层与3层皮质固定的随机临床试验随访性研究已发表74。最初的64名患者中48名获得随访,平均8.4年。患者使用1枚4.5mm固定4层皮质的螺钉或2枚3.5mm固定3层皮质的螺钉均获得韧带联合稳定。随访时,2组患者功能评分无差异。有趣的是,患者CT影像上韧带联合宽度较之对侧踝关节差异≥1.5mm(预示着复位不良或最初复位失败)时,功能结果的修正AOFAS评分更差(p = 0.056)。由于不同的螺钉大小、数量和固定方式,使得这些研究难以被完全阐明。

A recent systematic review of nine Level-I or II studies addressed the effect of early mobilization on the outcome of operative treatment of ankle fractures75. There was significantly greater range of motion at the time of early follow-up (nine and twelve weeks) in the early-motion group. However, this difference in range of motion was not significant at one year.Patients in the early-motion group returned to work earlier, and there also was a trend (p = 0.12) toward decreased rates of deep vein thrombosis in the early-motion group. Patients in the early-motion group did have a higher rate of infection than those who were managed with immobilization75.
最近一项包括9项I级或II级研究的系统性回顾,报道了早期活动对踝部骨折手术治疗结果的影响75。在早期随访时(9~12周),早期活动组踝关节活动范围显著改善。然而,在1年时,活动范围的差异已不明显。早期活动组患者能够更早的返回工作岗位,且深静脉血栓发生率亦呈下降趋势(p = 0.12)。早期活动组患者较之制动患者有着更高的感染发生率75。

Recently reported data suggest that the location and depth of intra-articular lesions associated with ankle fractures predict functional outcomes76. Patients who underwent operative treatment of an ankle fracture had intra-articular pathology assessed intraoperatively via arthroscopy, and the long-term outcome for a subset of patients was documented at a mean of 12.9 years. Overall, 81% of patients had cartilage injury noted during arthroscopy, with the most common site being the talus. The odds ratio of having any cartilage injury and an AOFAS score of <90 was 5.0. The depth of the lesion and the location of the lesion were found to be significant predictors of later osteoarthritis. The odds ratio of having a deep lesion located on the anterior aspect of the talus and an AOFAS score of <90 was 12.3. The authors did not find a correlation between the number of lesions and a worse functional outcome.


Several studies regarding the treatment of calcaneal fractures were reported or presented during the past year. Potter and Nunley presented the long-term functional outcomes for a large cohort of patients with operatively treated calcaneal fractures who were evaluated at a median of 12.8 years77.Eighteen percent of patients reported having had a subsequent operation, with the most common reason being pain at the site of surgery due to the implant. Only two patients (3%) had gone on to subtalar arthrodesis. The mean adjusted AOFAS score was 65.4, and no differences were noted when patients were stratified on the basis of Workers’ Compensation status. A difference was noted in two of the three functional scores when patients were stratified on the basis of the mechanism of injury. Patients who sustained a calcaneal fracture secondary to a fall had higher functional outcome scores than did patients who sustained a fracture secondary to a motor-vehicle accident.

A randomized trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of calcium phosphate bone-void filler for the treatment of displaced intra-articular calcaneal fractures78. Open reduction and internal fixation plus an inj ectable calcium phosphate was compared with open reduction and internal fixation alone. While the Bohler angle decreased over time in both treatment groups, the decrease was significantly greater in the open reduction and internal fixation alone group at six months and one year of follow-up. While the group that had been managed with open reduction and internal fixation plus calcium phosphate maintained the immediate postoperative Bohler angle to a greater extent than did the group that had been managed with open reduction and internal fixation alone, this maintenance did not translate into improved functional outcomes. No differences were detected between the two groups in terms of the SF-36 or the Lower Extremity Measure (LEM) at six months and one year. No differences were detected between the two groups in terms of the pain scale at two years.

Two studies evaluated subtalar arthrodesis following a calcaneal fracture. One study highlighted the impact of the initial treatment of calcaneal fractures on subsequent subtalar fusion79. Patients who were initially managed nonoperatively required distraction subtalar arthrodesis tailored to the type of malunion that was present. Patients who were initially managed with open reduction and internal fixation were able to be managed with in situ subtalar arthrodesis. The two groups were compared after a mean duration of follow-up of more than sixty months. Patients who initially underwent open reduction and internal fixation had a significantly lower rate of infection and had significantly better functional outcomes (Maryland Foot Score and the AOFAS ankle-hindfoot score). Last, the intermediate-to-long-term results of primary subtalar fusion for nonreconstructible intra-articular calcaneal fractures were reported80. Over a seventeen-year period, thirty-five such fractures (all of which were classified as Sanders type-III or IV) were treated with combination open reduction and internal fixation/primary subtalar fusion. Fifteen patients were available for follow-up at a mean of 9.8 years. The mean AOFAS ankle-hindfoot score at the time of follow-up was 79.8. Talocalcaneal height was found to be associated with functional outcome scores.
两项研究评估了跟骨骨折行距下关节融合术。第一项研究强调跟骨骨折初次治疗对接下来距下关节融合的影响79。根据表现出来的畸形愈合类型,最初行非手术治疗的患者需要行撑开距下关节融合术。最初行切开复位内固定的患者可以行原位距下关节融合术。两组患者在平均随访6月后进行对比。最初行切开复位内固定的患者感染率显著降低,功能结果(Maryland足部评分和AOFAS踝-后足部评分)显著改善。最后,报道了跟骨骨折行非重建性原位距下关节融合术的中长期临床结果80。超过17年时间中,35名此类骨折(Sanders III型或IV型)患者行切开复位内固定联合原位距下关节融合术。15名患者获得随访,平均9.8年。平均AOFAS踝-后足部评分随访时为79.8。距跟高度与功能结果评分相关。

Evidence-Based Orthopaedics
The editorial staff of The Journal reviewed a large number of recently published research studies related to the musculoskeletal system that received a Level of Evidence grade of I or II.Over 100 medical journals were reviewed to identify these articles, all of which have high-quality study design. A list of twelve Level-I and II articles that were relevant to orthopaedic trauma is appended to this review following the standard bibliography.We have provided a brief commentary about each of the articles to help guide your further reading, in an evidence-based fashion, in this subspecialty area.
大江 发表于:2010-10-7 17:11:40
第三项研究评估了胫骨和股骨干骨折于夜间行髓内针治疗的结果3。在夜间应用股骨或胫骨髓内针治疗的患者较日间手术者有更高的非预期性再手术率,在夜间治疗的股骨骨折患者较日间患者更有必要取出锁定螺钉(27% : 3%)。作者认为,增加日间非急诊的髓内针手术资源配置可能会减少一些轻度并发症。

血栓栓塞性疾病是骨肌损伤患者的重要病源,一直以来都是研究的焦点。目前,关于单独腿部损伤患者静脉血栓栓塞治疗方面的数据很少。Goel等进行一项随机双盲试验,包括238名行手术治疗膝关节远端骨折的成人患者,对比低分子肝素(Dalteparin; Pfizer, New York, NY)和盐水溶液的作用10。治疗后14天,静脉造影显示深静脉血栓者在盐水溶液组占12.6%,低分子肝素组占8.7%,差异并不显著。所有血栓均在膝关节远端,且不需治疗。然而,本研究仍有不足之处,3.9%的绝对风险差异等同于需要治疗的患者人数26名,这可能与临床密切相关。年龄的增加和骨折的类型可增大深静脉血栓的风险。在低分子肝素组无出血的并发症发生。此研究最大的局限性在于以静脉造影术证明血栓形成,但是无症状的深静脉血栓也有不确定的临床相关性,并且所研究的患者均在伤后48小时内进行了手术治疗。此研究的阴性结果可能不适用于延期手术的患者。在得出最终结论前,需要对创伤患者静脉血栓栓塞的治疗进行大量的研究。






复杂的肘部损伤还有进行积极研究的空间。最近一项研究集中于Mason II型桡骨头损伤,即桡骨头移位>2 mm24。损伤根据骨折块与桡骨是否存在皮质连续性分组,75%的病例不存在连续性骨皮质,这其中91%为合并骨和/或韧带损伤的复杂肘部损伤。与之相对,仅33%的复杂损伤骨皮质存在连续性。因此,完全失去骨皮质连续性的桡骨头骨折应作为对临床医师的警示,桡骨头骨折仅作为复杂损伤的一部分,需要额外的评估和专家进行处置。

三组调查者报告了对合并桡骨头骨折的肘部损伤的长期研究结果25-27。在第一项研究中,对16名稳定的MasonII型桡骨头骨折行内固定术后患者随访14~30年(平均22年),其中13名患者肘部功能良好25。然而,正如作者所述,对于部分累及关节的单纯稳定型桡骨头骨折,手术治疗效果与非手术治疗相比,无明显优势,并且本组手术患者合并较严重并发症。另外一项研究评估MasonII型、III型桡骨头骨折行桡骨头切除术患者,随访14~39年26,患者无并发症及二次手术发生,92%的患者临床结果评分良好。平均肘关节提携角是对侧的2倍(21° : 10°),并有轻度桡骨短缩(平均3.1 mm)。单纯稳定型桡骨头骨折青年患者行桡骨头切除术远期临床结果满意。最后一项研究中,评估21名MasonIV型骨折-脱位,无II或III型喙突骨折患者,平均随访21年(范围14~46年)27。所有患者行闭合复位并肘关节制动2~6周。11名患者行完整桡骨头切除,2名患者行部分桡骨头切除,另有2名患者行环状韧带重建。长期随访中,仅有1名患者出现严重的肘部损害,所有患者均无肘部不稳和复发性脱位。作者认为,大多数肘关节MasonIV型骨折-脱位,不合并喙突骨折患者,远期临床结果良好。



关于脊柱钝性创伤患者讨论的一贯性主题是 “损伤排除率”问题。一篇应用meta分析的已发表文献认为,如果患者能够完成颈部功能运动范围检查,无疼痛或未引出神经阳性体征和症状,动作灵活、无症状、不伴随其它损伤且无神经损伤症状可不需要影像学检查排除34。两项I级诊断研究评估了脊柱损伤筛选试验。第一项研究中,评估MRI影像表现(由放射科专家确定)对诊断颈椎后方韧带复合体损伤的准确性,以术中发现作为诊断标准35。MRI和术中发现的一致性水准在尚可(黄韧带、关节囊、颈筋膜损伤)和中等(棘上韧带、棘间韧带损伤)之间不同。一般而言,MRI对损伤的评价较为敏感,但是由于损伤在MRI上往往表现过重,导致阳性预测值和特异性较低。仅应用MRI表现来指导临床治疗可能导致对患者实行不必要的手术,其他因素必须作为决策制定过程的一部分。另一项研究测试非重建CT作为伴有意识改变的胸腰椎钝性损伤患者筛查工具的可靠性36。这些患者的研究方案包括标准前后位,侧位X线平片,以标准的5-mmCT层面扫描胸部、腹部和骨盆,并以≤2-mm层面进行脊柱重建。与CT重建相比,5-mm层面的非重建CT对所有骨折检测的敏感度为89%,特异性为85%,远优于X线平片(各自为37%和76%)。非重建CT对需要手术和其它治疗的骨折无一例漏诊。作者认为,此类病例不需要把CT重建作为常规检查,除非对已检查到的异常表现需要进一步的明确。



2篇来自OTA年会的重要论文回顾了侧方挤压型骨盆损伤的治疗。Sembler等研报道了一系列120名伴轻微移位(<10mm)侧方挤压型骶骨压缩性骨折患者39。所有患者伤愈前可即时活动、允许可耐受的负重并行X线检查。只有1名患者非手术治疗失败,其严重的疼痛与骶骨移位增加5mm相关。其余119名患者愈合良好,伴极轻微移位。包括早期负重的非手术治疗,适用于单侧挤压型骶骨压缩骨折39。另外一项报告回顾了来自2家I级创伤中心的117名高能创伤造成的骶骨骨折患者40。这些骶骨骨折为骨盆环侧方挤压伤,初始移位<5 mm。治疗医师决定对这些患者实行包括负重训练的非手术治疗。与前一系列患者对比,117名患者中有23名在骨折愈合时移位>5 mm。以骶骨后方皮质出现明显骨折线为象征的完全性骶骨骨折,骨折移位发生率为50%。完全性骶骨骨折合并双侧上下耻坐骨支骨折,骨折移位发生率为为68%。不完全性骶骨骨折不伴有耻坐骨支或单侧耻坐骨支骨折则无骨折移位。这些研究结果强调了仔细分析骨折类型和单侧挤压型骶骨骨折允许负重前患者特征的重要性。阐明与功能相关的骶骨残留移位以确定手术治疗在侧方挤压型骶骨骨折中的作用需要进一步研究。

老年髋臼骨折患者的治疗存在争议。以一名外科医师的经验,髋臼骨折在65岁以上患者中的发病率在1993~2007间(24%)较之1980~1993间(10%)增长了2.4倍41。老年患者中累计前柱更为常见,游离的四边形骨折块、髋臼顶压缩与前柱损伤有关;粉碎性和边缘嵌插折与后柱损伤有关41。这些因素使老年髋臼骨折患者的内固定治疗充满争议。一篇综述证实,年龄≥65岁的髋臼骨折患者,接受治疗后,1年死亡率为25%42。幸存的患者中85%行手术治疗,大多数行切开复位内固定术。28%的生存患者平均2.5年后行全髋关节置换术。尽管许多研究报告了轻微功能问题和一定程度的髋部疼痛,这些行切开复位内固定的患者的Western Ontario and McMaster大学骨关节炎指数(WOMAC)和SF-8评分与常人标准类似。第三项研究验证切开复位内固定合并全髋关节成形术病例的回顾性结果,患者平均年龄72岁43。18名患者随访至少1年,仅一名患者术后3周髋臼假体失败需要翻修手术。末次随访时,Harris髋部评分为88分,X线片显示髋臼杯轻微的向内垂直移位,无证据显示髋臼假体松动。对于适合的患者,对骨盆内固定和关节成形术技术有经验的医师能够安全地进行切开复位内固定和全髋关节成形术,且并发症轻微,能够避免二次手术。



Gjertsen等回顾来自挪威髋部骨折登记系统数据的4335名行内固定术或半髋关节成形术治疗的移位型股骨颈骨折老年患者,术后随访至少1年47。内固定组与半关节成形术组1年死亡率无显著差异(27% : 25%)。内固定组二次手术率为22.6%,半关节成形术组二次手术率为2.9%。以EQ-5D指数评分评价患者功能结果,1年随访时,半关节成形术组更为良好。这些数据进一步支持对于移位型股骨颈骨折老年患者的治疗,半关节成形术优于内固定术。

近期有两项随机试验对比了半关节成形术治疗股骨颈骨折中使用或不使用骨水泥的效果。第一项研究包括随机应用骨水泥假体(Thompson)或非骨水泥假体(Austin-Moore)的400名患者48。总的来说,使用骨水泥的半关节成形术患者在第8周以目测类比评分法评价,疼痛较轻,Charnley疼痛评分在第3、6、12、24月较低。 与未使用骨水泥的半关节成形术患者相比,使用骨水泥的患者无严重关节活动度丢失。第二项研究包括223名患者,证实应用更现代的羟基磷石灰涂层非骨水泥假体(Corail; DePuy)临床结果显著不同49。Harris髋部评分在非骨水泥假体组与骨水泥假体(SPECTRON; Smith & Nephew)组在随访3月和12月时无差异。以EQ-5D指数评分评价的功能结果在3月、12月亦无差异。Austin-Moore非骨水泥假体在现代髋部半关节成形术中较少使用,主要应用于功能要求较低、需要控制疼痛要求“尽快”置换的患者。一项髋部骨折行半关节成形术的研究未证实标准入路与微创入路在失血量、输血需求或术后72小时血红蛋白水平方面存在显著差异50。标准手术入路患者术后2年功能结果良好。


一项对比γ钉和髋部压力螺钉的meta分析强调,可能由于患者选择、外科技术和 植入物本身的改进,术后股骨干骨折发生率逐渐降低53。




与股骨干骨折不同,关于股骨远端骨折的争议较少,锁定钢板看似已被广泛采用。Ricci等在一项包括305名患者的研究中分析了与锁定钢板治疗股骨远端骨折相关的风险因素57。总的来说,9%的患者发生骨不连,而另外6%患者需要有计划的分阶段植骨。糖尿病史是骨不连唯一独立预测因子。8%的病例植入物失败,60%发生在近端骨折部分。植入物失败独立预测因子包括糖尿病史、OTA A3型骨折、人体质量指数、不锈钢板和钢板长度过短。当钢板长度为10孔或以上时、骨折近端骨干覆盖钢板达8孔或以上长度时、近端使用更多螺钉时、钢板近端部分螺钉密度(螺钉数占螺钉孔数的百分比) <60%时,近端植入物失败很少发生57。这些数据对外科医师应用股骨远端锁定钢板提供了有用的指导。
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